WalletConnect / Web3ModalFlutter

The Web3Modal for WalletConnect built using Flutter.
Apache License 2.0
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Error: Type 'EventArgs' not found. with web3modal_flutter: ^3.1.0 #88

Closed DhavalRKansara closed 3 months ago

DhavalRKansara commented 3 months ago

Getting below issue while using web3modal_flutter: ^3.1.0 in my Project.

Could not build the precompiled application for the device.

Error (Xcode): ../../../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/web3modal_flutter-3.1.0/lib/services/w3m_service/i_w3m_service.dart:22:35: Error: Type 'EventArgs' not found.

quetool commented 3 months ago

Hello @DhavalRKansara! Do you have any more information? I tried to reproduce this and I wasn't able. Do you mind trying the following?

  1. Create a new flutter project
  2. Add web3modal_flutter: ^3.1.0 in dependencies
  3. Locate your Podfile under /ios/Podfile and add the following as the first line: platform :ios, '13.0'
  4. Navigate to ios folder in your terminal (cd ios) and run pod install
  5. Run your project

Let me know how it goes.