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WalletConnect Monorepo
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Add Polymesh as a supported chain #4503

Open adamdossa opened 3 weeks ago

adamdossa commented 3 weeks ago

Adding a new chain to the Explorer To get a new chain added to the Explorer, you will need to submit the following:

  1. JSON-RPC spec for Wallets (only if one doesn't already exist). For more information, please review the Ethereum JSON-RPC API docs.

Polymesh is a solo-chain based on the Substrate framework. As such it supports the usual polkadot methods: https://docs.walletconnect.com/advanced/multichain/polkadot/dapp-integration-guide polkadot_signTransaction and polkadot_signMessage

GitHub Link: https://github.com/PolymeshAssociation/polymesh

  1. Write a CASA namespace spec if not already available for this namespace. GitHub Link:

The CASA namespace spec proposed for polkadot covers all chains that implement the Polkadot Host Runtime, so Polymesh is already included: https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/namespaces/blob/main/polkadot/README.md

  1. namespaces: *known chain namespaces (e.g. eip:155 for Ethereum/EVM-based chains, solana, ...)
  2. chains: *known chains, where the primary key is a compound key composed of namespace + reference (e.g. ETH mainnet is eip155:1). Please provide labels for each chain (e.g. mainnet, testnet, devnet, ...)

Polymesh Mainnet - polkadot:6fbd74e5e1d0a61d52ccfe9d4adaed16 Polymesh Testnet - polkadot:2ace05e703aa50b48c0ccccfc8b424f7

  1. RPC endpoints *list of common/canonical RPC endpoints for the chain(s)

wss://mainnet-rpc.polymesh.network wss://testnet-rpc.polymesh.live

  1. SLIP-0044 coin type: * slip44 coin type used in the namespace

595 (see POLYX / Polymesh in https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/master/slip-0044.md)

References To ensure timely processing of your request, please provide the following references:

https://developers.polymesh.network/ https://github.com/PolymeshAssociation/polymesh https://mainnet-app.polymesh.network/ https://testnet-app.polymesh.live/


Additional context

Polymesh is built on the Substrate framework, making it compatible with the existing Polkadot specified approach of integrating WalletConnect. We have tested this as a PoC with NovaWallet successfully and are looking to have Polymesh added to WalletConnect Chain Explorer for more visibility for dApp developers to integrate WalletConnect when working with Polymesh.

Please note:

Registering a chain with the Explorer does not impact or improve the ability for wallets and dapps to support your chain. It is simply a way for users to discover wallets and dapps that support your chain by:

It is still up to wallets and dapps to provide concrete support for your chain once it is listed as part of the Explorer.

linear[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

CR-28 Add Polymesh as a supported chain