WalletConnect / walletconnect-monorepo

WalletConnect Monorepo
Apache License 2.0
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Web3Wallet.init It takes more than ten seconds to return #4577

Open xiao0502 opened 4 weeks ago

xiao0502 commented 4 weeks ago

const REGIONALIZED_RELAYER_ENDPOINTS = [ { value: "wss://relay.walletconnect.com", label: "Default", }, { value: "wss://us-east-1.relay.walletconnect.com", label: "US", }, { value: "wss://eu-central-1.relay.walletconnect.com", label: "EU", }, { value: "wss://ap-southeast-1.relay.walletconnect.com", label: "Asia Pacific", }, ];

const core = new Core({ projectId: NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID, relayUrl: REGIONALIZED_RELAYER_ENDPOINTS[0].value });

const web3wallet = await Web3Wallet.init({ core });

No matter which RELAYER is used, it takes more than ten seconds for web3wallet to respond. Can you shorten the time

linear[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

CR-42 Web3Wallet.init It takes more than ten seconds to return

glitch-txs commented 4 weeks ago

Could you please share a minimal reproducible example?