After setting up WalletConnect on a react-native/expo app (works very smoothly, thanks!) the WalletConnect libraries add 2MB to the JS Bundle, of which @walletconnect/utils/dist/index.cjs.js alone is included over 5 times adding 1.28MB
This might be a metro bundler issue, idk?
SDK Version
"expo": "^51.0.28",
"react-native": "0.74.5",
"@walletconnect/react-native-compat": "^2.15.0",
To ReproduceEXPO_UNSTABLE_ATLAS=1 bunx expo export && bunx expo-atlas on any expo project
Describe the bug
After setting up WalletConnect on a react-native/expo app (works very smoothly, thanks!) the WalletConnect libraries add 2MB to the JS Bundle, of which
alone is included over 5 times adding 1.28MBThis might be a metro bundler issue, idk?
SDK Version
To Reproduce
EXPO_UNSTABLE_ATLAS=1 bunx expo export && bunx expo-atlas
on any expo project