WalletConnect / web3modal

A single Web3 provider solution for all Wallets
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[bug] Integrate TRON chain support for Web3Modal #1527

Open BeycanDeveloper opened 6 months ago

BeycanDeveloper commented 6 months ago

Link to minimal reproducible example

It's not necessary


Hello, I use WalletConnect in my project for both Tron and EVM-based networks. In doing this, I use the following package provided by Tron.


However, since they both try to define the same "web components", I get the following error.

DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "w3m-button" has already been used with this registry

Therefore, I think you can solve this problem by adding a small condition to the places where these components are defined.

List of related npm package versions

"@wagmi/core": "^1.4.7", "@web3modal/wagmi": "^3.3.2", "viem": "^1.19.11"

Usingi n Tron WalletConnect adapter

"@tronweb3/walletconnect-tron": "2.0.0", "@wagmi/core": "^1.1.0", "@walletconnect/sign-client": "^2.1.4", "@walletconnect/types": "^2.1.4", "@web3modal/ethereum": "^2.4.2", "viem": "^0.3.50",

glitch-txs commented 6 months ago

This is not recommended as you might end up with localStorage issues. We're planning to add support for more chains in the future though.

BeycanDeveloper commented 6 months ago

I understand that I have moved the codes in the tron package to a separate area right now and I will try to replace them with WalletConnect 1.

way2ex commented 4 months ago

@glitch-txs Hi~currently, the package @web3modal/ethers and @web3modal/wagmi can both only be used for eip155 namespace. Is there any plan to support other namespace such as tron:0x94a9059e namespace ? Thank you!

glitch-txs commented 4 months ago

Hi we're working a Solana integration and are planning to add Tron in the future as well, there's no current support for other namespaces atm

BeycanDeveloper commented 4 months ago

@glitch-txs how about Bitcoin and maybe for Xverse wallet? WalletConnect really needed for Bitcoin. Also, i want create a open source project MultipleChain i will write with TS can we talk with you about of structure?

glitch-txs commented 4 months ago

could you open a separated issue for each of those chains?

BeycanDeveloper commented 4 months ago

@glitch-txs yes i can open issue for Bitcoin & Xverse wallet support. But i want talk with you about of a project struct. That's why i contacted with you on Twitter can we talk there?

glitch-txs commented 4 months ago

happy to take PRs @BeycanDeveloper but I think we are a bit early to support multi chain in Web3Modal

BeycanDeveloper commented 4 months ago

@glitch-txs No it’s not for w3m this is separate open source project it’s my project. I just want talk with you about of this.

way2ex commented 4 months ago

Hi we're working a Solana integration and are planning to add Tron in the future as well, there's no current support for other namespaces atm

Thanks a lot for your great work!

Muzided commented 2 months ago

i am facing the same issue in my project i have added web3 modal for USDT transfers for multiple mainnet evm chains but for tron i am using "@tronweb3/walletconnect-tron": "^2.0.0", library for trust wallet and i am getting the same issue how can i differentiate the web component

hhun commented 3 weeks ago

Hi we're working a Solana integration and are planning to add Tron in the future as well, there's no current support for other namespaces atm

@glitch-txs TRON now has a high market share in the cryptocurrency world, at least higher than Solana. It is recommended to increase support for the TRON network.

BeycanDeveloper commented 3 weeks ago

@hhun you can use legacy modal version with this package: https://github.com/MultipleChain/tron-walletconnect