WallyCZ / DVRouteManager

Route Manager mod for Derail Valley
8 stars 1 forks source link

Route Manager for build #89 + is working but.... #2

Closed ct8402 closed 3 years ago

ct8402 commented 3 years ago

New problem with Route Manager update: First: it works well. However, on quitting the game, the mod reverts to the earlier update (0.3.1), even when the earlier one is not installed (I made sure of this). I must re-update the mod in UMM every time I quit the game to keep using it. The sounds in the mod do not work either.

WallyCZ commented 3 years ago

It's because version 0.3.2 is not published yet. Workaround is edit (f.e. in notepad) "Derail Valley\Mods\DVRouteManager\Info.json" And replace "Version": "0.3.2", to "Version": "0.3.1",

I will look on the sound issue.

ct8402 commented 3 years ago

Thanks Wally! Followed your instructions and it's working as advertised.