WalonLi / edk2-vscode

The VSCode plugin of EDKII file association.
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Build and test on GitHub actions #7

Closed JohnAZoidberg closed 2 years ago

JohnAZoidberg commented 2 years ago

See run at: https://github.com/JohnAZoidberg/edk2-vscode/actions/runs/1919888167

WalonLi commented 2 years ago

@JohnAZoidberg Not quite familiar with github actions, could you put more comment?

JohnAZoidberg commented 2 years ago

It's a continuous integration system hosted by github. So you just need to add this yml file and it will run it for you. On every push and every PR.

There's some explanation here: https://github.com/WalonLi/edk2-vscode/blob/master/vsc-extension-quickstart.md#go-further

Right now the workflow runs a build - good to check that new changes won't break the build. And also the tests. Not sure if it's useful right now because the tests don't include much code.