WalrusSoup / Tailwind-Formatter

Port of Headwind to Intellij. Opinionated class formatter for TailwindCSS
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Formatting in brackets #56

Open jannahalka opened 1 year ago

jannahalka commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to ask a question. The formatting works perfectly when I don't have quotes surrounded by brackets but as soon as I surround them with brackets formatting no longer works.

className="flex text-xl ..." -> works className={"flex text-xl ..."} -> doesn't work

So my question is if the behavior is intentional or am I doing something wrong. Thanks

WalrusSoup commented 1 year ago

This is for react, correct? Can you attach a few files so I can write some tests?

fsbtmo commented 1 year ago

Hey there, it would also come in handy for .twig files. Where you do stuff like

{{ svg('@webroot/dist/svg/icon.svg')|attr({class: 'text-red xl:w-4 h-4'}) }}

or not so pretty but sometimes needed ..

<div class="{{ module.alignment == 'left' ? 'md:ml-10 xl:ml-24 p-4' : 'md:mr-10 xl:mr-24 p-4' }}">...</div>
7ammer commented 1 month ago

I'm working on a react native project that uses this format when adding tailwind:

<View style={tw`p-4 android:pt-2 bg-white dark:bg-black`}>
    <Text style={tw`text-md text-black dark:text-white`}>Hello World</Text>

There is a phpstorm configuration file found in settings > languages & frameworks > styles sheets > taiwind css.

In that config file I've added the below which allows phpstorm to do tailwind hinting based on the defined regex:

    "experimental": {
        "configFile": null,
        "classRegex": [
            ["tw.style\\(([^)]*)\\)", "'([^']*)'"]

Perhaps classRegex could be used to define what can be formatted.