Wanchai / FTPbucket

FTPbucket is a PHP script that enables you to sync your BitBucket or GitHub repository with any web-server
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Files have 0 bytes #1

Closed ethanpil closed 9 years ago

ethanpil commented 9 years ago

The correct file is uploaded to its destination on the deploy server, but it always has 0 bytes. I am on windows 2008 server with xampp.

I have the same problem with the original code here: https://bitbucket.org/sibbl/bitbucket-ftp-deployment/overview

I can write files with file_put_contents so its not a permissions issue.

ethanpil commented 9 years ago

Some additional debugging info:

Curl is installed on my PHP.

I added this code

$data = curl_exec($ch);
   $log_msg .= $this->log_it('DATA IS '.$data,false);  //Added this

The log file is not showing any of the $data so it seems I am pulling a blank from bitbucket... any ideas?

ethanpil commented 9 years ago

It is a problem with curl on my server. Here is alternate code that worked for me, switching to file_get_contents()

    function load_files(){

        $ftp = $this->get_ftpdata();

        $log_msg = '';
        $log_msg .= $this->log_it('Connecting branch '.$ftp['branch_name'].' to '.$ftp['ftp_host'].$ftp['ftp_path'],false);

        // Makes a nice path
        if(substr($ftp['ftp_path'],0,1)!='/') $ftp['ftp_path'] = '/'.$ftp['ftp_path'];
        if(substr($ftp['ftp_path'], strlen($ftp['ftp_path'])-1,1)!='/') $ftp['ftp_path'] = $ftp['ftp_path'].'/';

        $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp['ftp_host']);
        if(!@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp['ftp_user'], $ftp['ftp_pass'])){
            $this->error('error: Connection failed!');
            foreach($this->commits as $commit) {

                $node = $commit->node;
                $time = $commit->timestamp;

                foreach($commit->files as $file) {

                    if ($file->type=="removed") {
                         // TODO: Check if file exists
                        if(@ftp_delete($conn_id, $ftp['ftp_path'].$file->file)) {
                            $log_msg .= $this->log_it('Removed '.$ftp['ftp_path'].$file->file,false);
                        $url = "https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/repositories".$this->repo->absolute_url."raw/".$node."/".$file->file;
                        $dirname = dirname($file->file);
                        $chdir = @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp['ftp_path'].$dirname);
                        if($chdir == false){
                            if($this->make_directory($conn_id, $ftp['ftp_path'].$dirname)){
                                $log_msg .= $this->log_it('Created new directory '.$dirname,false);
                            } else {
                                $log_msg .= $this->log_it('Error: failed to create new directory '.$dirname,false);

                        $cred = sprintf( 'Authorization: Basic %s',
                          base64_encode($this->bitbucket['username'] . ":" . $this->bitbucket['password'])
                        $opts = array(
                          'http' => array(
                            'method' => 'GET',
                            'header' => $cred
                        $ctx = stream_context_create( $opts );
                        $data = file_get_contents( $url, false, $ctx );                       

                        $temp = tmpfile();
                        fwrite($temp, $data);
                        fseek($temp, 0);

                        ftp_fput($conn_id, $ftp['ftp_path'].$file->file, $temp, FTP_BINARY);


                        $log_msg .= $this->log_it('Uploaded: '.$ftp['ftp_path'].$file->file,false);