WandererFan / FreeCAD-TechDraw

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Drawing Resolution/Scene Units #39

Closed WandererFan closed 8 years ago

WandererFan commented 8 years ago

Currently use "mm" as QGraphicsScene unit. This simplifies math, but means that QGraphics functions with integer precision can't show anything smaller than 1mm. Most obvious impact in in QBrush (see issue #8).

May need a "resolution" setting. All (x,y) values would have to be converted to/from mm.

WandererFan commented 8 years ago

Need to run some tests on sub mm parts. will they show up?

WandererFan commented 8 years ago

sub mm objects work fine, just need big scale. This is no longer an issue since #8 eliminated the need for textured QBrush.