Open Pierre-Andre opened 3 years ago
This requires first to be able to add precipitation information to the minutely widget, which is not possible atm.
We will then have another issue: Météo France doesn't give the precipitation quantity, it only says "no rain", "light rain", "medium rain", "strong rain" so it will not be possible to implement precipitation bars.
Thanks for considering my feature request and thanks for the app !
If you have time to think about this feature request, I just have the following remarks: 1) add precipitation information to the minutely widget -- this is developper's private matters --
2) precipitation quantity prevision are given as qualitative variable but with the following breaks: []()
thus a quantitative number can be roughly estimated as the center of each bin :
3) If you implement this feature, I think that using a color code (as done in meteo france) when drawing precipitation information would be far more informative for end-user (like me) than the height of a bar (thus a bar with height and appropriate color would be perfect)
And one more time thanks !
Side note regarding the above pull request: this will not exactly how we described it. It will work like what is currently done in AccuWeather provider: an horizontal bar filled proportionally according to the number of minutes with rain in the next hour. I believe this is the best implementation we can currently make, and it is in harmony with what is currently done on AccuWeather side ;)
First of all: thanks for this wonderful App.
I have a feature request for the MeteoFrance/MfWeather Api: I would like the Rain in the next hour displayed in the app (a feature very useful for rainy places, ie not Marseille ;) PS I am using Fdroid 3.013 version