WangDaYeeeeee / GeometricWeather

A Material Design Weather Application
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
2.41k stars 188 forks source link

Request failed #505

Open donotcallmejenny opened 4 months ago

donotcallmejenny commented 4 months ago

I've been using the app for many months but today it gave an error message, "request weather data failed".

Veraellyunjie commented 4 months ago

Same here, on 2 phones. Installed from f-droid months ago. Error since several days ago. Tried changing "Service provider" -> "Weather source", tried all 4. Same

Veraellyunjie commented 4 months ago

People say that Geometric Weather is no longer maintained

For now, one may wish to switch to Breezy Weather fork. Read announcement

Spark4000 commented 4 months ago

Using fdroid version 2.608 here, USA, no problems

duskgale commented 4 months ago

I have been using it for several years, today I encountered this problems too. China 中国天气网,彩云天气,Accu、OpenWeather....these all have problems

deeeseee commented 4 months ago

Same issue on my 2 android phones starting today. Both apps were installed from F-droid. Clearing cache and data did not help. Switching weather provider did not help.

Edit: For everyone's information, Breezy Weather (linked in one of the comments) is a fork, so it has the same beautiful interface. In fact, it looks even better in some ways. Switch to Breezy - you won't regret it.

Jveshi commented 4 months ago

Visiting in mainland China It may jump to The website is operated by AccuWeather's joint venture in China. This may be the reason why AccuWeather's data cannot be used in mainland China. On my device, Caiyun Weather and OpenWeather data are still available. However, Caiyun Weather lacks some meteorological data, and OpenWeather's data is in English (for example, N is used to indicate north wind when indicating wind direction, and Chinese will not be displayed.)

在中国大陆访问 有可能会跳转到 该网站由AccuWeather在中国的合资公司运营。 可能就是这个原因导致AccuWeather的数据无法在中国大陆使用。 在我的设备上彩云天气,OpenWeather的数据还可以使用。但彩云天气缺少部分气象数据,OpenWeather的数据为英文(例如在表示风向时会用N表示北风,不会显示中文。)

mrevtai commented 4 months ago

Having the same failed request issues now on Pixel 6a running Android 13.

I've read the other reports (#503 etc) but it is interesting that the request succeeds about once a day and only while Geometric Weather is running in the background (so the updates are a bit out of date).

I guess I'll give Breezy a try but it's such a shame as this interface was so beautiful and functional.

deeeseee commented 4 months ago

I guess I'll give Breezy a try but it's such a shame as this interface was so beautiful and functional.

For everyone's information, Breezy Weather (linked in one of the comments) is a fork, so it has the same beautiful interface. In fact, it looks even better in some ways. Switch to Breezy - you won't regret it.

duskgale commented 4 months ago

Visiting in mainland China It may jump to The website is operated by AccuWeather's joint venture in China. This may be the reason why AccuWeather's data cannot be used in mainland China. On my device, Caiyun Weather and OpenWeather data are still available. However, Caiyun Weather lacks some meteorological data, and OpenWeather's data is in English (for example, N is used to indicate north wind when indicating wind direction, and Chinese will not be displayed.)

在中国大陆访问 有可能会跳转到 该网站由AccuWeather在中国的合资公司运营。 可能就是这个原因导致AccuWeather的数据无法在中国大陆使用。 在我的设备上彩云天气,OpenWeather的数据还可以使用。但彩云天气缺少部分气象数据,OpenWeather的数据为英文(例如在表示风向时会用N表示北风,不会显示中文。)

I uninstalled and reinstalled the APP, it worked again. 我卸载重装之后又能用了,每个API都可以了。楼上推荐的Breezy Weather没广告吧,但是UI我不太喜欢,几何还能用就继续用着。。

vineet131 commented 4 months ago

I uninstalled and reinstalled the APP, it worked again.

Nope, that doesn't work

FlysonBot commented 4 months ago

I've been using Geometric Weather for a long while. It's not working for me for around a week already. I reinstalled and it still don't work. I switched to breezy weather and that's working for me.

K4sum1 commented 4 months ago

Breezy Weather looks worse. Is there any way to keep using this app?

K4sum1 commented 4 months ago

If anyone knows what's wrong, I could try forking the app. Gives me the opportunity to undo the ugly Material You commits too.

papjul commented 4 months ago

Breezy Weather looks worse. Is there any way to keep using this app?

It contains tons of new features, improvements, new weather sources and bug fixes. If something has worsen since Geometric Weather v2023-01-27, feel free to open an issue, so we can take a look!

floralies commented 4 months ago now can not be used, and for this app, all the information except chinese main-land comes from this API. I think this is the problem.

hisako87 commented 4 months ago

I figured it out! It doesn't require any forking. It's very simple... My default source in the main settings is set to openweather but that didn't fix it. In your location list, if you are able to swipe the locations to the left and a sprocket icon shows, just change each location to openweather. If it shows a tag icon, just re-add everything from openweather only and delete the AccuWeather ones. I'm using Geometric Weather version 3.013_gplay, the one before the original developer removed Circular Sky. It all works fine now. Like floralies said, AccuWeather is the problem.

+1 to hating the Material You design. I tried Breezy Weather and I can't stand the design choices and reasoning. They also will not add Circular Sky back in. But whatever, Geometric Weather is working for me again so I can uninstall Breezy now. 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼

papjul commented 4 months ago

Removal of Circular Sky was not a design choice of Breezy Weather. It was removed by Geometric Weather developer. I'm just someone who forked an app that doesn't have this feature. I didn't know it was that popular, in that case I'm open to pull requests with a clean implementation to get it back. If interested, please share your specifications in breezy-weather/breezy-weather#154

However, I just want to make sure that you know that Breezy Weather has preferences to turn off animations and gravitational sensor (which may be the reason why you want to use Circular Sky and in that case it might be an acceptable option for you).

You use plural for "design choices" that you can't stand, but no one gave a single example of choices Breezy Weather made (so that excludes things inherited from Geometric Weather).

Btw, I'm the one who implemented OpenWeather in Geometric Weather. So I can say with certainty that the implementation I made in Geometric Weather was full of holes and big inaccuracies with this source (that was fixed since then in Breezy Weather), so I would not rely on that weather source at all. If you don't want to use Breezy Weather, no problem, but you probably want to use a different app than Geometric Weather then (if you care about accurate weather).

K4sum1 commented 4 months ago

OpenWeatherMap sucks in the US because there can be alternative locations depending on the state. My first location I was able to find the correct one, but I can't seem to add my second location as it wants to add the completely wrong one. I can look up the correct one on OpenWeatherMap website but it just doesn't show in app.

hisako87 commented 4 months ago

I know circular sky was removed by geometric weather, that's why I'm using an older version. I did already mention wanting circular sky on breezyweather's GitHub, and you said you were not open to it and closed my ticket.

I don't mind the animations, I don't like the bright orange background of the material you theme, and I didn't like the size and placement of the current temperature and additional details on my screen. This was detailed in the same ticket on breezyweather and you referenced an older ticket explaining why there is no option to make the words smaller or place them higher up on the screen.

Those are the design choices I explained in my ticket, on a breezyweather ticket/thread (whatever you call these), not here, as it didn't seem relevant.

I have not heard about any inaccuracies in open weather and it works fine for me. I can't pull up zip codes like in AccuWeather but it's not a big deal, and my weather forecasts are just fine now.

Sorry for not quoting responses, I'm on my phone and the text form box on github's mobile website isn't the greatest.

papjul commented 4 months ago

I don't like the bright orange background of the material you theme, and I didn't like the size and placement of the current temperature and additional details on my screen.

Alright, making it center-aligned is indeed a design choice of Breezy Weather. It's a rather common alignment in weather apps.

Orange color for sunny was already there in Geometric Weather. I re-opened the Circular Sky issue if there are people still interested, but once again, I didn’t remove that option, it was never there when I forked Geometric Weather.

Current details in header is indeed a new feature of Breezy Weather, but it can be turned off, so not really a problem.

I have not heard about any inaccuracies in open weather and it works fine for me

It's hard for a user to detect that the data is wrong. If the data is inaccurate, the user will most of the time blame OpenWeather, but it can also be because it's wrongly processed on app side, and that's the case I'm talking about.

First, OpenWeather is completely broken, because of how Geometric Weather is set up to only accept UTC dates at its core. I had to make a huge rework of that part to remove that requirement and make the app compatible with more weather sources. You will see on my screenshots below that it's night in Dallas right now in Geometric Weather, but not in Breezy Weather, because it's night where in UTC right now. So the hourly forecast is completely shifted by the number of hours from UTC.

Additionally, day/night temperatures are wrong as you will see in the screenshot below.

Additionally, all data is fetched in Celsius rounded to the nearest number with no decimals, and then converted if you use Fahrenheit. This can make great differences. In Breezy Weather, Celsius is saved with decimals, and then converted with decimals, and only then rounded when displayed.

Also, as mentioned earlier, location search from OpenWeather is almost impossible to use, so it was removed and we now use Open-Meteo search and then ask OpenWeather to provide weather data for the location added from Open-Meteo search.

I know I fixed a lot of other things for this source (you can check Breezy Weather changelog, some are mentioned as being specific to OpenWeather, and other are fixes for all sources), but here were the biggest ones I could think of.

This is Dallas right now with OpenWeather:

Geometric Weather 3.0.13Breezy Weather 5.0.3

So, yeah, no problem if you don't want to use Breezy Weather, but using OpenWeather with Geometric Weather is really not a good idea IMO.

Sorry for not quoting responses, I'm on my phone and the text form box on github's mobile website isn't the greatest.

No problem, I know how a nightmare it is everytime I need to reply on GitHub from my phone!

iferca commented 4 months ago

I came here with the same fetch data failure issue and found the unmaintained potential factor. Breezy looks pretty much the same, clearly better in my eyes, it works, more features... So I migrated. Recommended.

sebma commented 4 months ago

Same problem : Request weather data failed.

radry commented 3 months ago

Same here, when using accuweather as provider it suddenly fails. It worked fine for many years. I had to change to openweather to make it work again.

It seems either accuweather has changed their api or blocked this app.

Saiv46 commented 3 months ago

This app started crashing instead

ColourGrey commented 3 months ago

@papjul I would switch to Breezy Weather in the blink of an eye, but sadly you have not published it on Google Play (so far). This means that your genuinely beautiful application is condemned to a life of obscurity, which is sad. If you really want to do something useful for the world, instead of trying to convert people to alternative application stores why not accept that most of us do not care about this aspect, and publish Breezy Weather on Google Play instead? This would massively increase the number of people using your work, and what can be more satisfying than to see that your effort is used and appreciated by so many?

(And yes, I am aware of this disclaimer: "What about Google Play Store? It costs money, and we do not, so there are no plans to add the app to Google Play Store at the moment." I believe that it is a huge strategic mistake, but I can only respect your choice.)

papjul commented 3 months ago

This would massively increase the number of people using your work

Then that's a good reason not to do it. I'm already under a lot of requests and we are not even on the main F-Droid repo. The more users there are, the more time I spend doing triage instead of actually doing the things I like.

If you really want to do something useful for the world, instead of trying to convert people to alternative application stores why not accept that most of us do not care about this aspect, and publish Breezy Weather on Google Play instead?

That would be useful for the world if people could realize the massive amount of highly privileged access required by the Google Play Services. I can understand it's not easy to get rid of it, but maybe encouraging using it as the central point for getting apps is not the best thing to do.

I'm also not trying to convert to any particular store; official releases on GitHub work without any store on any Android system. I can look into optional self-updating option from the app itself, if that would be something useful to you?

papjul commented 3 months ago

Side note for users who wanted Circular Sky back: starting from v5.1.8, we will have an option to define a fixed weather background per location.