WangWen-Believer / ORB_SLAM2-to-OpenMVS

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error: reference image 174 has not enough images in view #5

Open fanshixiong opened 1 year ago

fanshixiong commented 1 year ago

你好,使用orbslam2跑出sfm.txt后,放入openmvs中运行, 出现了这个问题。

17:19:34 [App     ] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz (6 cores)
17:19:34 [App     ] RAM: 15.51GB Physical Memory 0B Virtual Memory
17:19:34 [App     ] OS: Linux 5.10.0-8-generic (x86_64)
17:19:34 [App     ] Disk: 23.68GB (78.24GB) space
17:19:34 [App     ] SSE & AVX compatible CPU & OS detected
17:19:34 [App     ] Command line: -w /home/frans/code/data/npu_image -i sfm.txt -o dense.mvs
We are using Keyframe from SLAM to achieve 3D reconstruction
load mvs ok 
numViews 204
deal with feature points
17:19:35 [App     ] Preparing images for dense reconstruction completed: 204 images (572ms)
17:19:35 [App     ] error: reference image  56 has not enough images in view
17:19:37 [App     ] error: reference image 146 has not enough images in view
17:19:37 [App     ] error: reference image  67 has not enough images in view
17:19:37 [App     ] error: reference image 139 has not enough images in view
17:19:38 [App     ] error: reference image 120 has not enough images in view
17:19:38 [App     ] error: reference image  39 has not enough images in view
17:19:38 [App     ] error: reference image 174 has not enough images in view
17:19:38 [App     ] Selecting images for dense reconstruction completed: 0 images (3s156ms)
Fused depth-maps 0 (100%, 0ms)
17:19:38 [App     ] Depth-maps fused and filtered: 0 depth-maps, 0 depths, 0 points (-2147483648%%) (0ms)
17:19:38 [App     ] Densifying point-cloud completed: 0 points (3s812ms)
17:19:38 [App     ] Scene saved (1ms):
    204 images (204 calibrated)
    0 points, 0 vertices, 0 faces
17:19:38 [App     ] MEMORYINFO: {
17:19:38 [App     ]     VmPeak:  1368416 kB
17:19:38 [App     ]     VmSize:  1302880 kB
17:19:38 [App     ] } ENDINFO


WangWen-Believer commented 1 year ago


fanshixiong commented 1 year ago



WangWen-Believer commented 1 year ago

就这几张图片没有足够的参考帧 这个问题你可以先忽略,先查查其他的图片怎么没有生成稠密点云

fanshixiong commented 1 year ago

就这几张图片没有足够的参考帧 这个问题你可以先忽略,先查查其他的图片怎么没有生成稠密点云


WangWen-Believer commented 1 year ago


fanshixiong commented 1 year ago
