WangYueFt / dcp

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some question about the method to process the pointcloud #22

Open MrCrazyCrab opened 4 years ago

MrCrazyCrab commented 4 years ago

for src, target, rotation_ab, translation_ab, rotation_ba, translation_ba, euler_ab, euler_ba in tqdm(test_loader): For the code above, i get that the src the source point cloud, and the target is the transformed point cloud. The net would calculate a matrix to make those two point cloud can coincide. However, i visuaize the src and the target, and i can see the shape of src while the target is just some scattered points. What i kown the point registation is rigid transformation, is there anything wrong that the target make shape change in the transformation or i don't get the meaning what you want to explain?

Vaishali-Nimilan commented 2 years ago


Can you please say how do you visualize the end results of the registration? Thanks in advance