WangYueFt / detr3d

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results in JSON format #17

Open mpQuintana opened 2 years ago

mpQuintana commented 2 years ago


Could you provide the results on the NuScenes train, validation and test splits in JSON format? I plan to use this as the input for a tracking algorithm.

Best regards,

a1600012888 commented 2 years ago

Hi, For results json file in validation set:

For train and test split, I recommend you to load the provided model and run the inference.

Best, Tianyuan

mayechi commented 2 years ago

Hi, For results json file in validation set:

For train and test split, I recommend you to load the provided model and run the inference.

Best, Tianyuan

This shared file cannot be opened due to permission restrictions

a1600012888 commented 2 years ago

Sorry about the permission issue. I update the permission to anyone with the link.