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0828 想说的话 #7

Open Wangmengguo opened 4 weeks ago

Wangmengguo commented 4 weeks ago








Wangmengguo commented 4 weeks ago

Claude 3.5 Sonent

Here's my English translation of the Chinese text, following the provided instructions:

Individual existence needs meaning. What's my meaning? I'm my mother's birth product, my parents' love crystal. They gave me "body". I'm also society's product, group consensus result. My "society" gave me "thoughts". Essentially, I'm society's product, thus meaningless. Society needs no meaning. Individuals do. Linear language can't show "3D" me. Simple "meaning" can't drive my life. Professor Wang Defeng says: Society focusing on philosophy is unfortunate. Only unhappy people focus on philosophy. Group will can't reflect mine. My will mirrors group's. Group "has" me. I "come from" group. Naturally inseparable. Only when groups have "sense of meaning" and "certainty", they're "happy". "Happy" groups have more babies. I'm from "group", but I'm meaningless. Like all things, no so-called meaning. Arising, ceasing, all illusion.
Wangmengguo commented 4 weeks ago

ChatGPT 4o

Here's your translation:

An individual needs meaning to exist, but what is the meaning of my existence?

I am the product of my mother’s labor, the crystallization of my parents’ love; it was my parents who gave me "the body." At the same time, I am a product of social development, a product of collective consensus. You could say it was "society" that gave me "thoughts."

Essentially, I am a product of society, and thus, I have no inherent meaning. Society doesn't need meaning, but individuals do. Linear language cannot present the "three-dimensional" me, just as a simple "meaning" cannot guide me through life.

Professor Wang Defeng said: Society starts to pay attention to philosophy, and that is unfortunate, because only unfortunate people care about philosophy.

The will of the collective cannot reflect my will, but my will can mirror the will of the collective. The collective "contains" me, and I "originate" from the collective. We are naturally inseparable.

Only when the collective has a sense of "meaning" and "certainty" will it experience "happiness." A "happy" collective will produce more children.

I come from the "collective," but I have no inherent meaning, just as all things in this world have no so-called meaning. From causes to outcomes, all is illusion.