WanionCane / BiggerCraftingTables

Adding more Crafting Tables!
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Custom and Group Items Appear as "Null" in the Script File #17

Open RollRim opened 1 year ago

RollRim commented 1 year ago

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, , null], [, null, , null, ], [, , , , null], [null, , , null, null], [, null, , , null] ]);

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(, [ [null, null, , , ], [null, null, , , ], [, , , , ], [null, , , null, null], [, null, , null, null] ]);

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(.withTag({infench: [{id: 2, lvl: 1}, {id: 0, lvl: 1}]}), [ [null, , , null, ], [, , , , null], [, , , , ], [null, , null, , ], [, null, null, null, null] ]);

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(.withTag({infench: [{id: 5, lvl: 2}]}), [ [null, null, null, , ], [null, null, , , ], [null, , , , null], [null, , , null, null], [, null, null, null, null] ]);

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(.withTag({infench: [{id: 1, lvl: 1}]}), [ [null, null, , , ], [null, , , , ], [null, , , , ], [null, , , , null], [, null, null, null, null] ]);

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(.withTag({infench: [{id: 4, lvl: 1}, {id: 3, lvl: 2}]}), [ [, , , null, null], [null, , , , null], [null, null, , , ], [null, , null, , ], [, null, null, null, ] ]);

mods.biggercraftingtables.Big.addShaped(, [ [, , , , null], [null, null, , , ], [null, null, , , ], [null, , null, null, null], [, null, null, null, null] ]);

WanionCane commented 1 year ago

I don't understood, this script was generated using the Creating Table?

RollRim commented 1 year ago

I don't understood, this script was generated using the Creating Table?

Yep! When I tried crafting something, it wouldn't work.

RollRim commented 1 year ago

Please fix this, the mod barely works and it registers most items as "null", rendering the mod nearly impossible to use with other mods.

WanionCane commented 1 year ago

hello, is there any article or wiki page that explains what a "custom" and "group items" is? I never heard about it. and to be honest, I created this mod, but I never used it =D

RollRim commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I didn't really know what to classify this instance of item as. I mean items that fall under the category of script created items like ContentTweaker or B.A.S.E. I used B.A.S.E. to generate multiple items, of which I had used in the script. Instead of these items having their regular IDs, they just appeared as "Null".

Edit: The ContentTweaker items do appear as items, my bad. I don't know the cause of the issue, and for some reason certain mods seem to have their items appear as "Null". No idea what's going on, sorry for the confusion.

RollRim commented 1 year ago

Didn't know how to classify them. I'll come back later after finding out the issue. Air/blank slots appear as null.