Wano-k / 3D-Game-Engine-csharp

RPG Paper Maker is a game maker engine including a 3D universe with many 2D sprites and some simplified 3D objects. Pretty close to the RPG Maker series, RPG Paper Maker finally give a way to create RPGs in a totally 3D universe as easier as it is in 2D!
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Build on OSx #4

Closed xvw closed 8 years ago

xvw commented 8 years ago

I have try to launch the project on my Macbook. Mono doesn't work with framework .NET 4.5.2 so I change it for 4.5, I think it doesn't broke anything? After, "//" as a separator is only for Window. I used "System.IO.Path.Combine" to concat filepath. After compilation, the project seems work (with a little graphical bug on the DisplayDemoTip... the window is too small :'( ). When I create a Project, the current version of the editor "close", is that normal?

I'm really sorry for my very ugly english ;)

Wano-k commented 8 years ago

I don't think that you should run this on OSX, this repository is only for Windows. It's using winforms that is making the widgets ugly and sometimes not working well on Linux, I guess it's the same result for OSX. I've already made another repository for Linux using GTK# which is remplacing winforms, you should try to launch the project on your Mac with this one ! https://github.com/Wano-k/RPG-Paper-Maker-for-Linux

xvw commented 8 years ago

Oké ! (But the usage of Path.Combine seems better than concat ;) )

xvw commented 8 years ago

(In fact, you should merge this PR ...)

Wano-k commented 8 years ago

You are right for paths, I set that ugly stuff. However I didn't set the .NET framework version, I don't have any problem on all PC where I tried.