WanzenBug / bitstream

Provide methods for dealing with single bit input and output in Rust
MIT License
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Stream bits from the least significant bit? #2

Open adsharma opened 5 years ago

adsharma commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure how this library is used, but most other implementations I've seen stream bits from least significant to most significant.


Any reason to do it the other way?

WanzenBug commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I had any particular reason. I wrote this library as a part of a naive implementation of LZ77 and Huffman coding.

Its probably that way because in my head the output is a stream of bytes where each byte is "written" from left to right as MSB to LSB. So a contiguous bit stream has to "start" at the MSB.

I did not look at other implementations, as you can probably tell. I haven't done any optimizations so its probably not what you want for production use cases