WapplerSystems / ws_scss

SASS Compiler for TYPO3
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outputdir ignored ? #66

Closed HorstBaumann closed 1 year ago

HorstBaumann commented 1 year ago

by switching from 1.2.1 to 11.0.* it seems that the outputdir value (set in typoscript) is no longer working

page.includeCSS { scss = {$templatePath}/Private/SCSS/loader.scss scss.outputdir = {$templatePath}/Public/css/ scss.disableCompression = 1 scss.excludeFromConcatenation = 1 }

TYPO3 11.5.21 ws_scss 11.0.2 PHP 8.0

I fixed it temporarily by quick and dirty changing line 75 in Classes/Compiler.php: $outputDir = 'mytemplatepath/css/';

typo3-solution commented 1 year ago

Hey Horst, just use: scss.outputfile

see also: https://docs.typo3.org/p/wapplersystems/ws-scss/12.0/en-us/Usage/Index.html

Liebe Grüße, Simon

HorstBaumann commented 1 year ago

perfect -thanks !