def custom_objective(y_true, y_pred):
y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, [-1])
y_pred = tf.reshape(y_pred, [-1])
d = y_true - y_pred
n_seg = 32 # Because we have 32 segments per video.
nvid = 60
n_exp = nvid // 2
Num_d = 32 * nvid
sub_max = [] # sub_max represents the highest scoring instants in bags (videos).
sub_sum_labels = tf.ones_like(y_true)
sub_sum_l1 = []
sub_l2 = []
for ii in range(0, nvid, 1):
# For Labels
mm = y_true[ii * n_seg:ii * n_seg + n_seg]
sub_sum_labels = tf.concat([sub_sum_labels, [tf.math.reduce_sum(mm)]],0) # Just to keep track of abnormal and normal vidoes
# For Features scores
Feat_Score = y_pred[ii * n_seg:ii * n_seg + n_seg]
sub_max = tf.concat([sub_max, [
tf.reduce_max(Feat_Score, 0)]], 0) # Keep the maximum score of scores of all instances in a Bag (video)
sub_sum_l1 = tf.concat(
[tf.math.reduce_sum(Feat_Score)]], 0) # Keep the sum of scores of all instances in a Bag (video)
z1 = tf.ones_like(Feat_Score)
z2 = tf.concat([z1, Feat_Score], 0)
z3 = tf.concat([Feat_Score, z1], 0)
z_22 = z2[31:]
z_44 = z3[:33]
z = z_22 - z_44
z = z[1:32]
z = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(z))
sub_l2 = tf.concat([sub_l2, [z]], 0)
sub_score = sub_max # We need this step since we have used T.ones_like
F_labels = sub_sum_labels[Num_d:]
sub_sum_l1 = sub_sum_l1[:n_exp]
sub_l2 = sub_l2[Num_d:]
sub_l2 = sub_l2[:n_exp]
indx_abn = tf.where(tf.equal(F_labels, 32)) # checck for zero or 1
indx_nor = tf.where(tf.equal(F_labels, 0))
n_Nor = n_exp
Sub_Nor = tf.gather_nd(sub_score, indx_nor)
Sub_Abn = tf.gather_nd(sub_score, indx_abn)
z = []
for ii in range(0, n_Nor, 1):
sub_z = tf.reduce_max(1 - Sub_Abn + Sub_Nor[ii], 0)
z = tf.concat([z, [tf.math.reduce_sum(sub_z)]], 0)
z = tf.math.reduce_mean(z) + 0.00008 * tf.math.reduce_sum(sub_sum_l1) + 0.00008 * tf.math.reduce_sum(sub_l2) # Final Loss f
return z
we have implemented this code of the objective function with tenorflow v.1.13, but the training is still not showing any good results like the original implementation, can anyone take a look at this, and point out some suggestions based on this
we have implemented this code of the objective function with tenorflow v.1.13, but the training is still not showing any good results like the original implementation, can anyone take a look at this, and point out some suggestions based on this