WaqasSultani / AnomalyDetectionCVPR2018

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about the pyqt version #63

Open libb999 opened 4 years ago

libb999 commented 4 years ago

i meet some problems about the env version does anyone tell me the detail of version : python and pyqt? thank you very much!

mujeebishaque commented 4 years ago

You'd have to pip install pyqt4 in order for demo_gui.py file to work.

iShahad97 commented 4 years ago

I'm using pyqt version 5.12.3, then I changed line 33 to: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton, QFileDialog and I removed all (QtGui) like line 122: class PrettyWidget(QWidget): ling 131: btn = QPushButton('ANOMALY DETECTION SYSTEM \n Please select video', self)