War3Evo / War3Source-EVO

War3Source Evolution (The future of War3Source)
GNU General Public License v3.0
32 stars 5 forks source link

Csgo #24

Closed JustZerooo closed 1 year ago

JustZerooo commented 1 year ago

Adding CSGO Branch

War3Evo commented 1 year ago

If you plan to completely change a race, add or subtract skills, for CS:GO for your pleasure for the game, you should just create a new race.

If you are updating a race because it does not work for CS:GO you do this:

 ***changed stuff here***
***stuff that stays the same here***

The races work perfectly for all other game modes. They are balanced. Changing the races should only be really about fixing bugs or making it work for the game mode.

Your free to add any new race for CSGO game mode only, just make sure to add to the top of the file:

#include <war3source>
