Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team / Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2

"Guardians of Azeroth" is a mod for Crusader Kings 3 with a worldwide development team, based on the Warcraft universe by Blizzard Entertainment. In this mod, our team is working to recreate the world of Azeroth in all of its glory, particularly focusing on the story of the classic Warcraft strategy games and World of Warcraft Classic.
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Nerubian religion tweak #1233

Open PericlesAO opened 9 months ago

PericlesAO commented 9 months ago

Describe your suggestion in full detail below:

Hey, loving the mod and I've been playing as the Nerubians. I have noticed something odd with them though in that they have the human sacrifice tenet. While the Nerubians did used to perform sacrifice a really long time ago that was most likely thousands of years ago when they still worshiped the old gods. By the time the Lich King showed up the Nerubians no longer really worshiped anything and considered any deal with godlike entities to be dangerous and unwise. So their religion would probably best fit in the rationalist group and the sacrifice tenet should be replaced with something more fitting. The Nerubians were real big on seeking out hidden knowledge so esotericism is probably a good fit. It's a bit odd since there's a higher power involved but it's the best I can think of and fits the "keepers of ancient lore" vibe they seem to have. Aside from that there is another idea. Is it possible to make the trait "cynical" virtuous? If so I feel that would be a good fit for the Nerubians as a bit of flavor. Zealous could be a negative trait if you wanna go that far but you don't have to. Make the religion pluralist is somewhat tempting but given how xenophobic they are I think they are fine as is and we can just reform it when we want it tweaked.

ElMariuso commented 9 months ago

We keeped sacrifices because living nerubians still doing sacrifices in Warcraft 3.

PericlesAO commented 9 months ago

I've just gone through the Frozen Throne missions with the Nerubians and the only thing close to sacrifice that I can see is dwarves webbed next to eggs (as food for the young). Maybe I missed something but I'm not seeing any sacrifices. Can you point it out? If it's the Ziggurat or Sacrificial pit lore then that doesn't necessarily indicate Nerubians are still doing them by the time the Lich King arrived.