Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team / Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2

"Guardians of Azeroth" is a mod for Crusader Kings 3 with a worldwide development team, based on the Warcraft universe by Blizzard Entertainment. In this mod, our team is working to recreate the world of Azeroth in all of its glory, particularly focusing on the story of the classic Warcraft strategy games and World of Warcraft Classic.
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New faiths #58

Open MemeWizard opened 3 years ago

MemeWizard commented 3 years ago

Describe your suggestion in full detail below:

Copied from RPG books

The legendary presence of Azshara shaped her empire and continues to inspire her followers centuries later. The naga are the only race that venerate her. The few people who have heard of Azshara, and are not naga, believe her long dead. All naga respect Azshara to some degree; the most zealous revere her and become priestesses of the tides. Females comprise the bulk of the priesthood, though some males also serve Azshara as priests of the tides.

Of the two splinter factions of the Church of the Holy Light — the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade — the Argent Dawn is by far more palatable to the Church. Still, both technically go against the church’s established teachings to blaze new paths. The Argent Dawn believes the church’s old methods of dealing with evil no longer suffi ce. Evil constantly changes and refines its methods, and good must likewise change. The Scarlet Crusade takes this notion one huge step forward. The crusade rationalizes that evil has no restraints on its tactics, and neither should good if it expects to triumph. While both groups go against the teachings of the Church of the Holy Light, the church takes no direct action against them. This lack of activity on the church’s part derives from its unique structure. While it is the dominant faith among humans, the Holy Light is not a religion so much as it is a philosophy. The “church” is a network of the faithful that exists to bring worshipers together and provide new members with guidance. Adherents to the path of the Holy Light don’t attend services once a week or build edifices to celebrate their philosophy (with a few exceptions). Plus, the Church of the Holy Light — and its adherents — have larger problems to worry about. In addition, while their doctrine might be radical, none can deny that the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade accomplish what they set out to do. The Argent Dawn has become the preeminent enemy of evil in some areas, and the Scarlet Crusade deals blow after vicious blow to the Scourge. While their methods may be questionable (particularly in the case of the Scarlet Crusade), their accomplishments dissuade most faithful of the Holy Light from interfering.

sejtalk commented 3 years ago

Naga follow both n'zoth and azshara so i don't think adding separete azshara faith is a good idea.

MemeWizard commented 3 years ago

Naga follow both n'zoth and azshara

so i don't think adding separete azshara faith is a good idea.

But if we don't add it, then naga will not follow Azshara, only N'zoth?

ElMariuso commented 3 years ago

We should add several faiths for the different dragonflights:

Nith-ae commented 3 years ago
  It would take a faith for the unfaithful sethraks as well, but I don't particularly know what it could be about.

I had an idea for this and a few other faiths :

robmart commented 3 years ago

We should add several faiths for the different dragonflights:

* A faith to follow the Aspect of Nature

* A faith to follow the Aspect of Life

* A faith to follow the Aspect of Magic

* A faith to follow the Aspect of Time

* A faith to follow the Aspect of the Earth (replaced by the following faith)

* A faith to follow the Aspect of Death (Deathwing and his followers)
  Maybe keep "Dragon Sect" for mortals? According to the RPG book it is mostly night elves who are part of this faith.
  It would take a faith for the unfaithful sethraks as well, but I don't particularly know what it could be about.

The aspect of the earth one could maybe be used for those who worship uncorrupted black dragons like Wrathion?

Grekopithikos commented 2 years ago

To think I made an Argent Dawn suggestion in #827 when it was already there all along

I'll just repost it here

My final suggestion would be the implementation of an Argent Dawn faith. I already know that this faith is planned, but I'd like to put some input in the design. Since they accept Undead into their ranks, they should have a doctrine similar to the Tauren faith Earth Mother's Mercy, where being undead isn't a crime in and of itself. As for the tenets, I'd suggest Armed Pilgrimages, since they are a crusade, Adaptive, since they even accept members of Horde races into their ranks, and maybe Unrelenting Faith, since they are militant. As for the holy sites they'd be the same as the ones of Holy Light plus Icecrown. For the faith icon I think the Argent Dawn sun would suffice.

I also suggested a pirate faith in #849

Grekopithikos commented 1 year ago

I did a suggestion for an Ebon Blade faith in #1019

Also I think that the Dark Trolls should have their own faith. Currently they have the Zandalari faith, which wouldn't make much sense for them to have as they have isolated themselves for millenia. Granted, not much is known about their faith, but we could make assumptions. Maybe they worship Elune but view her as just another Loa? It does make sense for them to have certain similar beliefs with the Kaldorei. She was also mentioned as a Loa once and there is some other evidence supporting that This could be represented in game with them having the Moon Worship tenet. They would have bloody feasts like other Loa faiths do since their wiki article does mention that they are cannibals. They would also idolize nature magic, since it is stated that the dark trolls sought a peaceful connection to the natural world, and their mystics sought ways to commune and live in harmony with the land. Maybe because of that, their third tenet would be the Sanctity of Nature. But Sacred Hunts could fit as well. As for the icon I think it could be the similar to the other loa faiths(minus Zandalari) but purple.