Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team / Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2

"Guardians of Azeroth" is a mod for Crusader Kings 3 with a worldwide development team, based on the Warcraft universe by Blizzard Entertainment. In this mod, our team is working to recreate the world of Azeroth in all of its glory, particularly focusing on the story of the classic Warcraft strategy games and World of Warcraft Classic.
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Off Map Titles #639

Open Remerod opened 3 years ago

Remerod commented 3 years ago

Describe your suggestion in full detail below: So, I remembered when i was watching the MODCON for ck3. and they showed the Shogunate Mod, And they Mentioned how the Emperor is in the game, but not on the map. Because Japan Was ruled by the Shogun (king/high general), So the Emperor served as more of a spiritual leader, but the Emperor was above the shogun, but the shogun held all the power. So they made the empire title of japan the shogunate, while the emperor holds a titular Japan title.

Click to expand ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/131227039-21f0a0d7-a3b1-4e31-8acf-b62fc581163a.png) So the Emperor Holds a Titular empire title, that is focused around this lake (where irl Kyoto is supposed to be). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/131227081-3eca3970-379d-4b99-9245-6b5ff2b51490.png) But Kyoto ain't there. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/131227107-8340ac2b-30f2-4a03-b99d-f54edcb9b045.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/131227113-023b1f2a-4d8a-4223-bb75-ff9bd4e008c1.png) It's all over here, far outside the map.

So how how have Shogunate solved having two emperor rulers, but you can become but the other unconquerable. They made a titular empire, hand His city/county far off the map. This way player's can become ruler of all of Japan as their shogun but still have a emperor(head of faith) hanging around, not under your rule.

I think this is a smart way of doing stuff. I can really see us doing something like this.

Click to expand ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/131227294-e4288f80-aa78-44b4-910f-ba2acaf91672.png) So we can have a constant Burning Legion, Sargaras(or someone else) can rule from Argus, who would be off map. this way we can have like Kil'jaeden and Archimonde being kings or something, each holding a title to perhaps. And many more demons in high position could also be made flesh out, so it wouldn't be the whole title that invades Azeroth with this but rather a servant like Archimonde that does it and this way we can have different demons plotting to invade Azeroth maybe? I also see that we can do some stuff for draenor this way, and perhaps tie it to the Dark portal mechanic that way? but if it dosent work with the mechanic we can maybe skip it for draenor? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/131227405-66833103-c8a3-44f4-b9a1-152542d45128.png) and while we have the Dragonflight's titular empire, and they to have land across azeroth, perhaps we could each give them something outside the map, to ensure they are around even if they lose their lands. this creates the problem though that the black dragon flights was destroyed, but then again, we've seen with island expedition that they did in fact survive, so perhaps there wont be a problem. We would also be able to create places like Nya'lotha for the old gods (but if we want them not to be characters and rather just represented as faiths/religions we could just have their main followers there, like Prophet Skitra as an example). and if we have each old god's faction/empire/kingdom/realms as an off map stuff, we could like give the player access to it and it's servant one they form the black empire, like an n'zothi follower would get access to Ny'alotha or something, but that's just an idea. But a lot other places could be done with this, Emerald dream, Thros and more. And this in my mind could be great, say as Jaina could be a prisoner in Thros for example (and if we have/get a rescue from prison mechaninc it could be really great for this).

Perhaps we already have some stuff like this, and i am really unaware of it. But if we do not then I think this could add a lot flavor for us, having of world power's with their own courts, who can travel to Azeroth as guests, allies or invaders.

If you agree, disagree or have an opinion/idea of your own, please leave a comment. ;)

arithon commented 3 years ago

*Adding the Old Gods to this topic as well. Should have read it all -.-

ercarp commented 3 years ago

It's a pretty good idea for something like Sargeras or the Old Gods like you mentioned. I could even see it being used for some deities like Elune, or maybe even characters from Shadowlands.

MemeWizard commented 3 years ago

I could even see it being used for some deities like Elune

Can't wait to see how Elune is getting killed in the duel with crippled hozen

ValianBlue commented 3 years ago

That's an interesting idea. If it adds more intractable options for the player (I'm mainly thinking of CK2's Jade Dragon), I would definitely be for it.

My main concern would be ensuring that access to these special courts is specially restricted (exclusive). For most realms, I imagine that would involve having a specific religion and level of devotion. Add in a decision to be able to access it, pack in a few event chains potentially to explore, have some powerful characters you could potentially recruit, artifacts to obtain, etc. All for a cost of course.

I also realize that my thoughts above are essentially packing together several DLC mechanics from CK2, so I'm likely getting very ahead of myself here, heh.

zumbak04 commented 3 years ago

If we ever implement it, the first thing should be Draenor realm(s).

MemeWizard commented 3 years ago

So, setting aside minor problems (relative to other) with godlike characters ( such as that we are required to block ALL possible interactions for them, so C'Thun can't be seduced, Elune can't be kidnapped, etc ), this design raises questions like "why every single priestess is having their own space rocked to send their monthly tax personally to Elune's coffers", "how are Black Dragons buying indulgences from Nzoth that is being imprisoned in the middle of the ocean" and other. And to solve them we'll need crutches. Lots, lots of crutches, that will surely conflict with gameplay.

If you block all interaction with off-map characters, what is the point of them being head of faith that you can't interact with?

I dare to say - if you need decisions to interact with godlike entities, you don't need to add them as characters. Additional tab in the faith window with their status and ways to interact with them not only will work much better than a character on the other world but also require tremendously less work.

Remerod commented 3 years ago

You could have the county title's outside the map, but the titular empire title on the map, that is how the Shogunate mod does it i think. Zumbak, I think the Burning legion should be the first to be added if we add it, Draenor is... more complex to add as a first test, as there are more clans and suck in different area's and other non-horde faction. we would need to figure out how to do them, and tie it to the current mechanic. While the Burning Legion would be easy becouse you can just add argus as a county(or several) and try to make sure that they can invade azeroth and be summoned from the off map county into azeroth. If we do this, then i think Draenor would be the hardest to do, so it is in my opinion the hardest to start with.

Remerod commented 3 years ago

And I agree with you MemeWizard. I don't think that we should start with adding god character's, we should rather start with their factions that exist outside of azeroth. And figure out if we wanna add them later or not. In my opinion

ValianBlue commented 3 years ago

Looking back over this issue; I can implement the off-map titles themselves, the rest would need to be delegated to other developers. This includes but is not limited to: Character Models, Title Icons, and Unique Mechanics (especially in regards to Scripted Events).

I won't be assigning myself to this as it's still very low priority, but I'll leave the issue open for future discussion.