Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team / Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2

"Guardians of Azeroth" is a mod for Crusader Kings 3 with a worldwide development team, based on the Warcraft universe by Blizzard Entertainment. In this mod, our team is working to recreate the world of Azeroth in all of its glory, particularly focusing on the story of the classic Warcraft strategy games and World of Warcraft Classic.
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Nazen Religion changes #682

Closed BurnedCrusader closed 2 years ago

BurnedCrusader commented 3 years ago

Describe your suggestion in full detail below: This has been split off from a larger issue Checked out Nerubians one day and some things didn't seem right about their religion

Remerod commented 2 years ago

I feel should get a lore update if anything. I don't disagree with it, it is well written but it should definitely have more flavor.
This is the current description of it;

Click to expand ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79544635/134273751-ad9a9533-488f-4c1e-b1ab-68c0c33a8fa3.png)

the wiki (wowpedia) containing faith information on Nerubians describe their belief as this;

In ancient Azjol-Nerub, there were five or six schools of religious thought, and theological debates were common. Eventually, however, nerubians have come to a conclusion that worshiping creatures from beyond the world is insane, and, in the words of the seer Ul'Tomon, "makes as much sense as a fly caught in a web worshiping the spider who is about to devour him". To modern nerubians, even the concept of "worship" itself is alien.

their society broke away and opposed the Old Gods that their people once served as aqir, specifically Yogg-Saron.[5] The split happened early enough in nerubian history, that by the time of Arthas Menethil's ascension to the Lich King, Anub'arak commented that he had believed them to be only legend.

Clearly stating that their where 6 faith's prior, and that now religion is a foreign element. and that they know of the former religions. I do think the religion is well thought out, but i think the flavor should reflex overcoming the old faith, like "once we believed bla bla, but the philosopher/seer Ul'Tomon teached us"makes as much sense as a fly caught in a web worshiping the spider who is about to devour him" and this-and that, now the Nazeni something~

On the subject on the 6 prior faith, i belev we could possible add them as 6 old faiths, four focusing on each old god, one on all the gods and the 6th one void/old god arcane knowledge or something and it would be this sixth that breaks out and form the Nazen 7th faith. We would then have some religions that somehow can be resurrected by the nerubian remnants seeking old salvation.

I agree with @BurnedCrusader point on *Make priests only male . It feels females are important in the void worshiping aqir-and evolved races, also females are the dominant spider gender (who for instance eats her children) so they don't particularly really love their offspring or anything, we could have that like females where the dominant gender who happily served the old gods in the past, sacrificing their children in masses to the old gods. Ul'Tomon and his new 7th faith rebel and come out victorious and builds a new society, one where female no longer are present in the religious beliefs to make sure that the old gods are not worshiped again and then millennia pass and only legends remain (and ruins & tablets witch tell of the old faiths witch might be some kind of event chain to open them up, this will also change society to female dominant again).

If what i've written seems logical then perhaps Nazen could be describbed as something like this? Nazen Long ago the Seer Ul'Tomon freed us from the maddening vehemence of ancient horrors whom thrived on our blood, labour and enforced Zeal. Carving a new path for us, Ul'Tomon scribbled down upon the obelisk of Nazen a new philosophy, one that denounce all faith and worship of outside beings whom would corrupt us. The Nazeni philosophy preaches renunciation of emotions, so one can devote the mind to the Hierachy/Realm/Kingdom/domain. The life of one individual is not important compared the greatness of society. Where the one can fall, get eaten and become forgotten, the strength, survival and grandness of the many/nest/hive is Eternal. Thus Nazeni should always be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater cause.


VespertinePetrichor commented 2 years ago

I agree with everything in the OP except:

Disallow marriage of priests

This is because if the current Nazen religion is to reflect the death version, it should be modelled after Nerubian social changes following their scourging. This change should however be implemented in the non-death (Order?) version of Nazenism.

I also think that the Wintergarde holy site should be replaced with the Nexus of the Blue Dragonflight (c_coldarra). These changes I can incorporate into #839 if there are no objections.

Also linking #694 to highlight that this branch is for changes to the death version of the Nazen religion.