Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team / Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2

"Guardians of Azeroth" is a mod for Crusader Kings 3 with a worldwide development team, based on the Warcraft universe by Blizzard Entertainment. In this mod, our team is working to recreate the world of Azeroth in all of its glory, particularly focusing on the story of the classic Warcraft strategy games and World of Warcraft Classic.
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Pirate Faith #849

Open Grekopithikos opened 2 years ago

Grekopithikos commented 2 years ago

Describe your suggestion in full detail below:

Currently all Southsea rulers follow the Tirani faith, which I feel does not represent what their beliefs are about. Almost everything about the Tirani faith from their holy sites, their religious head and even their tenets makes me feel like it was made with Kul Tiras in mind, and less the other places wher the faith is dominant. Not to mention that piracy is despised by Kul Tirans, as mentioned in https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Pirate (now that I think of it I don't remember it being possible for rulers of the same faith to raid each other).

That's why I suggest making a new faith to replace the Tirani places that belomg to pirate realms.

The tenets would be Warmonger, Pursuit of Power and Astrology(for the naval speed bonus) or perhaps a special pirate tenet. The doctrines would be more liberal than those of the Tirani faith, not having anything be criminal (perhaps also Pluralist since they accept different races?). The holy sites would consist of pirate headquarters like Bloodsail Hold, Freehold, Tol Barad and popular raiding targets like the Booty Bay/Wild Cape. As for the icon maybe one of the custom_generic_skull_2 icons could be used as they look piratey, at least until they get their own unique one.

Remerod commented 2 years ago

you have not suggested a new faith, you've given no examples of what the "pirate" religion should tie into with the warcraft lore or even what it should be about. You just given suggestion what the game mechanics should be. I personally think doing a religion/faith purely based on mechanics is game-y and bad.

Not to mention that piracy is despised by Kul Tirans, as mentioned in https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Pirate

this sentence makes no sense, Christians would hate christian pirates, pirates are criminals, no "religion" would sanction or love those who breaks their religious or communal beliefs and laws. Criminals are not often criminals because of religious beliefs. Pirates are traditional seen as sinners and having a religion about being a pirate then every pirate would be a saint in that faith.

(now that I think of it I don't remember it being possible for rulers of the same faith to raid each other).

I think Christians can't raid Christians. but i don't think this applies to all religious in ck3, unsure though.

And while i know that the Stonemasons Guild later known as the Defias Brotherhood a known bandit/gang gets their own fate, but they at least have a political agenda to overthrown the "corruption" and current government of Stormwind. From their point of view that are the "just" ones, and they fight with an ideological agenda. A normal Pirate know that they are a criminal, and they normally don't pirate to change the world or to spread new ideas around. They just wanna get the booty.

MemeWizard commented 2 years ago

There is no much info about pirate faith in the lore, except for a implied worship of "sky father" and "sea mother" with ritual sacrifices from... a single ability in warcraft rpg (Lands of Mystery).


Remerod commented 2 years ago

i rather have a system where people(courtiers) can leaves court and become pirates, tieing them to a faith feel like making them a separate people, keeping "criminals" away from them. Maybe i'm an shamanistic orc, do i need to convert to a new faith to be a pirate? and maybe not all of the south sea culture group are pirates, would they need to be in this pirate faith anyway then? I think forming a pirate "government" would be more useful & flavorful then creating a new faith for them.

if we start creating faiths for the smallest thing we could fill each de jure kingdom with an or several unique faiths for the whole map.

zumbak04 commented 2 years ago

I plan on making the Piracy cultural tenet with the Royal Court mechanics. https://github.com/Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team/Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2/issues/604