Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team / Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth-2

"Guardians of Azeroth" is a mod for Crusader Kings 3 with a worldwide development team, based on the Warcraft universe by Blizzard Entertainment. In this mod, our team is working to recreate the world of Azeroth in all of its glory, particularly focusing on the story of the classic Warcraft strategy games and World of Warcraft Classic.
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Fixing Faction Blob Problem for good #921

Open usfshihy opened 2 years ago

usfshihy commented 2 years ago

Hello! While I know the work on the CK2 version has stopped, this could offer some useful suggestions for the upcoming CK3 one. Now I just finished a nearly 30 year playthrough of the Goldrinn of Shadowfang Keep. My goal was to establish a rival human/Worgen resistance to the Scourge and one that looks at Garithos with suspicion and as someone who can form an important piece in our resistance rather than we form an irrelevant piece in his.

Similar versions can also be made when the Scourge are the ones winning/losing and not the humanoids.

And that's about all, I know the post is a kilometer long but I really believe that the Faction blob is a real problem in the CK2 version and I see the CK3 version as a great chance to fix it. I hope you take some of my suggestions into consideration. Thank you!

zumbak04 commented 2 years ago

Oof. That's a lot of text. Could you sum your suggestions? And write each suggestion in one line. Such a big text is hard to read for developers.

usfshihy commented 2 years ago

Oof. That's a lot of text. Could you sum your suggestions? And write each suggestion in one line. Such a big text is hard to read for developers.

Well my suggestion involves quite a big change in several of the systems and how you implemented them in CK2 so that's why it's quite long. However I did what I can to reduce it's size a bit. I think it's length might be worth it in the end.

VespertinePetrichor commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your thoughts. The faction mechanic in CK2 GoA was indeed cumbersome and your concerns re snowballing are very valid.

Do you have CK3? I encourage you to try our pre-alpha build if you can. You will find that many of the issues with factions, now called "Unions", have been resolved in GoA2. Here are a few examples off the top of my head:

1) Unions have a hard cap on members

2) Union members have their levies and taxes reduced.

3) Union members cannot be called to aid in internal civil wars.

4) Players can form their own custom union

5) There is a new CB against unions called "Shatter Realm" which destroys the union.

usfshihy commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your thoughts. The faction mechanic in CK2 GoA was indeed cumbersome and your concerns re snowballing are very valid.

Do you have CK3? I encourage you to try our pre-alpha build if you can. You will find that many of the issues with factions, now called "Unions", have been resolved in GoA2. Here are a few examples off the top of my head:

  1. Unions have a hard cap on members
  2. Union members have their levies and taxes reduced.
  3. Union members cannot be called to aid in internal civil wars.
  4. Players can form their own custom union
  5. There is a new CB against unions called "Shatter Realm" which destroys the union.

I do have CK3 and Royal Court as well but I have never managed to get GOA to work on it sadly. If you know of any post giving some guidelines on how to make it work then I'll be most appreciative.

The Member count is very good idea and will stop factions from growing too large. I also love the non intervention in civil wars as that will allow for more unique encounters like for example a Grimtotem uprising in Thunder Bluff for example which wouldn't have worked before.

The Shatter Realm CB is also a great way to make big factions go head to head in a way that makes sense and also give it considerable weight however I recommend such a war to have no white peace option to give some longevity to this war and make anyone think twice before declaring it.

The only issue left is the apparent "invincibility" of faction members, that I think will remain in effect as long as they can be called in any defensive war. That's why I prefer the constant retinue force idea more as not only it will make members more or less independent, it will also make them consider whether they want to play defensively or offensively as to not waste his forces that take several years to reinforce. It will also make the game feel more dynamic, as in CK games in general, the armies are always grouped in full to deal with one war and then move on to the other. This on the other hand will allow for independent wars to be fought all across the faction borders where some will be won and some will be lost. A good way to balance it as well is to make that you can only call your union defensively when someone declares war on you with a CB involving taking your capital like how the entirety of the Horde came to the Forsaken's help for Lorderaon in WOTLK.

Lastly, what do you think about my ideas for wars with the Scourge, along with their faction split to make them a more dynamic and shifting threat rather than the unbeatable behemoth they are in the CK2 version. I wish I can see the Plaguelands filled with mini states of Scarlet Crusade pockets, Silverhand remnants, tiny Bandit groups holding small towns/towers making for an Interregnum in the lands of Lorderaon. It can make for many unique playthroughts as well as the player can control several irrelevant quest givers/targets and give them a larger lore than they would have had.