WardCunningham / Smallest-Federated-Wiki

This wiki innovates by: 1. federated sharing, 2. drag refactoring and 3. data visualization.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Initial tablet work #334

Closed asolove closed 11 years ago

asolove commented 11 years ago

Now that I have some free time (and, more importantly, an iPad) I have started work on optimizing SFW to work on tablets. This small pull request is mostly meant to check my master is up to date with what you guys are doing and that I can get reasonable-quality screencasts from the iPad simulator.

The code changes include new meta tags specific to iOS, which enable:

For those who don't have iPads handy, here is a short screencast of what it looks like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_OwELpSg7s&feature=youtu.be

As you can see in the video, some bits of the layout don't work on the iPad. Notably the stories all scroll together and are arbitrary height, instead of just scrolling within fixed-height containers as they do in desktop browsers. Buttons and form controls are less than optimal, and there are various other problems. I'll be working on these items to get SFW to the point of being usable as a personal notebook on the iPad.

WardCunningham commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the improvements.

Regarding site title, there is some identity information that is initialized from default data:


I don't think any of this was ever used. I'd be against using it now as it would be just one more thing to be setup before a site goes live.

The web page title is updated dynamically from wiki page titles as they are rendered.

WardCunningham commented 11 years ago

The github project is still Smallest Federated Wiki or SFW for short. I call the concept Federated Wiki and notice that it googles well, as does fedwiki but not fed wiki. Inside the Federated Wiki context I refer freely to Federated Wiki as just wiki. I find that I use the word wiki to mean Federated Wiki outside that context more and more now. This comes from living with it for 1-1/2 years.