WardCunningham / remodeling

The original wiki rewritten as a single page application
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integrate with read-write federated wiki pods #3

Open WardCunningham opened 7 years ago

WardCunningham commented 7 years ago

Our long-term plan is to migrate all useful content into a distributed federation of curators. We will use this centralized resource to direct viewers to newer content in the federation.

Read about federated wiki:

WardCunningham commented 7 years ago

We invite annotations using the Hypothes.is which appears as tabs in your browser window. We've created the annotation group wiki for discussions specifically related to our once and future collaboration. Visit the group home page to see recent discussions regarding wiki.



WardCunningham commented 2 years ago

old-and-new-together http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/drag-from-old-wiki.html