WardCunningham / remodeling

The original wiki rewritten as a single page application
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getting started with federated wiki #6

Open WardCunningham opened 7 years ago

WardCunningham commented 7 years ago

We'll be working on issue #3, integration with federated wiki, in a month or two. If you're interested in participating in the read-write version of the original wiki you will have to learn some new things. It is different but with many benefits that are hard to recognize when you start.

For work on this project I am happy to host related pages in a wiki farm I run. You will need to make yourself a subdomain and try authoring there. Here is a link. Change the subdomain to your name or handle. Then follow the second page instructions. Q&A welcome as comments here.


We'll be posting more useful links as we start the integration. If you are still interested and think you can work the new wiki, then post a link to your subdomain in the comments here or email me directly. We'll assemble into a "pod", wiki's name for an online workgroup, once we get going.


gutierlf commented 7 years ago

The "You're New Here" page says

Claim the site. See where it says, Sign in with your Email? Click that button. Login mechanisms vary from site to site so follow the instructions that pop up.

But I find no button for signing in.

WardCunningham commented 7 years ago

Good catch. We've moved on from Mozilla Persona which closes at the end of next month. I've revised the field guide to say: image

The tries.fed.wiki farm is configured to use Google for identity. You will need a Google id to claim a site there.

anoxic commented 7 years ago

is there an api for the federated wiki system? i'd like to use an existing wiki i built, but it would be interesting to work in a connection with the federated wiki system.

WardCunningham commented 7 years ago

GET slug.json

Returns a page like this: http://ward.asia.wiki.org/json-schema.html

You should google around a bit before asking too many questions here.

DustinWehr commented 7 years ago

pdf link on names-of-things page is broken. link is to http://asia.wiki.org/things.pdf

@WardCunningham kinda nervous to say anything here after your response to @anoxic. Loved reading c2 wiki over the years. Thought it might be time to get involved.

DustinWehr commented 7 years ago

Couldn't find instructions anywhere on how to close a page. A subsection of How To Read Content on how-to-wiki would be a good place for that.