Wardley-Mapping-Foundation / wmf-operating-model

The Wardley Mapping Foundation
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Add Purpose & Principles #5

Closed spurkis closed 2 years ago

spurkis commented 2 years ago

Add purpose & principles.

move content from Miro. consolidate content from google docs.

agvbergin commented 2 years ago

@spurkis we wondered today if it might be possible for you to annotate the Miro board to indicate the latest versions of this material to open up who can bring this material across, or else if we might work on this all together at our next meeting?

(Apologies to all for emails generated for my previous comment which I deleted, I had hoped that GitHub might render the Mermaid diagram nicely, it didn't and I also wasn't sure it was the right text fo the purpose.)

spurkis commented 2 years ago

@agvbergin: sorry for the delay on this, I've created a new branch for this:


I've created Purpose.md as a new file there, and pasted latest version into it. I've included more detail on them below... I don't think it's right to include all of this in that file, as a lot of the prose contains examples which may become outdated. Having said that, we may want to flesh it out.

Further detail on above from other discussions (extracted from Miro):

1. Create, maintain, share and support open repositories of knowledge that are free to use

A Foundation would continue @swardley’s work to create, maintain, share and support open repositories of knowledge that are free to use. A great example of this is Simon's book, which is Creative Commons

As many of us know, @swardley's book could do with an update, to incorporate a lot of discussions & thinking that have gone on and a Foundation could help in a number of ways (eg: any combination of sponsoring, organising, content proposals, editing, translating, etc).

But a Foundation could help with other sources of knowledge too, like @jamesaduncan's Organised Services Operating Model (osom.guide, also CC-by-SA); or repositories of maps, Wardleypedia.org, list.wardleymaps.com, and other things related to Wardley Maps

2. Encourage and facilitate research to advance public knowledge

This includes @swardley’s ongoing research on Universal Doctrine, of course, but also opens up the doors to support a broader audience of research...

A good example is academic research like @RoserPujadas1’s work on mapping as a form of sensemaking... Another is exploring the crossover between @snowded’s work on complexity theory, or using tools like SenseMaker to measure Doctrine. Again, any research related to Wardley Maps

3. Facilitate the creation of open training materials and public education programmes

@swardley’s book is great for a deep dive, but there are quicker ways to get started, and learning as a group where you can ask questions is more effective.

The Foundation would NOT seek to replace great services like @HiredThought’s learnwardleymapping.com, or @wardleymaps's learn.wardleymaps.com, or the growing number of people offering training throughout the world.

But it could complement & support them by facilitating the creation of free reusable training materials, and publicly available certification standards like those created by non-profit @gcatiofficial.

4. Facilitate the hosting of events focused on educating the public and sharing knowledge

#mapcamp is an obvious example here, the intent is to support this & other groups running similar events around the world. We've tried to make mapcamp.co.uk accessible to an international audience both through timing of sessions and being virtual...

But it's hard to organise an event that works across all timezones. We want to see diversity - from local meetup groups, to larger events like @HolgerGelhausen & @wardleymaps' upcoming "Use Case" edition of Map Camp

5. Encourage and facilitate the creation of open standards and tooling that improve the state of mapping

@damonsk's onlinewardleymaps.com, @tristanls's mapkeep.com, @ajbouh's MapScript, http://Wemvu.la, to name a few...

There are a growing number of great Wardley Mapping tools like these, all pushing forward the state of mapping. But they're not interoperable... Standard grammars, data formats, libraries, and such would help to evolve tools in this space. A foundation could help facilitate that.

6. Support the growth of an international community of people and organisations that share our values

A Foundation would support the growth of an international community of people and organisations that share the values @swardley and I agreed were fundamental to this: Open, Inclusion, Gift, and Duty of care.

This community already exists and is growing by the day. A membership programme for the foundation would help this community by bringing people together with a common purpose, and organising them more effectively.

juliusgb commented 2 years ago

I've taken these from last year's pretalk between Simon, Ben, and Cat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmC0Lndcx8I

Values & Principles (doctrine) define a collective. Simon planted some in MapCamp (there were 3 tracks for MapCamp 2021)

4 values that surfaced from the discussion that starts at time/position 43:04 and ends at 46:42 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmC0Lndcx8I&start=2584s&end=2802

  1. Sustainability - leads to green economy and everything. Harvesting is ok as long as you don't deplete resources and environment and don't destroy environment in the process. All about having balance with the environment.
  2. Society - balance of "me" vs "we"; the tendency of "once size fits all" is not good and creates very unstable and weak systems and that's why we've got the 3rd track "resiliency".
  3. Resilience - not in the sense of antifragility but in terms of C. S. Hollings. That is, ecological and engineering resilience. In order to create a resilient system, you have to have diversity within that system, which means you have to have inclusion of others within the system. Otherwise the system will never be resilient.
  4. Another slot is between time/position 49:35 to 49:45: being open also means including others, creating space for others.

The critical thing is if the community coalesces around those values. The community might come up with a bunch of other values instead. I think the beliefs of the community, what the community values, are the things we need to support or try to. We're talking about creating some sort of foundation to support those beliefs and values.--- from position 46:24 to 46:41

spurkis commented 2 years ago

ready for review: https://github.com/Wardley-Mapping-Foundation/wmf-operating-model/blob/5-add-purpose-principles/Purpose.md

I've updated the operating principles & values based on my discussion with Simon last year. I've also noted what the universal values are here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOcvEfQM=/?moveToWidget=3458764533861042924&cot=14

@juliusgb : re points above: (1) - I can see arguments for adding Sustainable... (2) - the link between Society & Individuals is touched on in there, I don't think it makes sense as a value of its own. (3) - Resilience is the property of a complex system, according to Dave Snowden (vs Robustness, which is a property of a complicated system). I think the key is "Inclusion" in this one, which is already on the list. We could mention resilience as part of that value. (4) - suggestions welcome :)