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Importer and scripts for Starcraft
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Startool incompatible with StarCraft Best Seller Series edition #13

Closed timfel closed 2 years ago

timfel commented 8 years ago


Startool seems to be incompatible with StarCraft Best Seller Series Edition:

samuel@portable:~/starcraft/stargus-instdir/bin$ ./startool /media/cdrom0/ /home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg Extract from "/media/cdrom0/" to "/home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg" Using mpq list file "/home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg/mpqlist.txt" Please be patient, the data may take a couple of minutes to extract... Archive "/media/cdrom0//install.exe" Can't open /media/cdrom0//install.exe Could not open archive "/media/cdrom0//install.exe", skipping Archive "/media/cdrom0//stardat.mpq" Can't open /media/cdrom0//stardat.mpq Could not open archive "/media/cdrom0//stardat.mpq", skipping Fatal error: Cannot extract data

Certainly because files are named differently:

samuel@portable:~$ ls /media/cdrom0 Autorun.inf Installer.ico Installer Tome.mpq StarCraft (Windows).exe

I'm running latest bazaar revisions for both Stratagus and Stargus, on Debian 7.1 64 bits.



Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by brad-c6) Try taking the Installer Tome.mpq and coping to the your computer and rename it "install.exe". Then point Startool at that directory

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by samuel-viscapi) Hi,


cp Installer\ Tome.mpq /home/samuel/install.exe

mkdir /home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg

cp /home/samuel/starcraft/stargus/mpqlist.txt /home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg

cd /home/samuel/starcraft/stargus/build

./startool /home/samuel /home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg

samuel@portable:~/starcraft/stargus/build$ ./startool /home/samuel /home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg Extract from "/home/samuel" to "/home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg" Using mpq list file "/home/samuel/starcraft/data.sg/mpqlist.txt" Please be patient, the data may take a couple of minutes to extract... Archive "/home/samuel/install.exe" Not found: files\stardat.mpq

Bye, Sam

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by brad-c6) The internal structure of the MPQ is different from that of the US original edition. It might be if you extract using MPQExtractor(https://github.com/Kanma/MPQExtractor) the file "Common/Starcraft.mpq" and then change it's name to install.exe that might work

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by electricprism-m) After banging my head against the wall I finally was able to generate a data.sg file on Arch Linux.

I first mounted my starcraft backup iso.

Startool usage is as follows

$ startool -h startool V1.0 for Stratagus (c) 2002-2012 by the Stratagus Project. Written by Lutz Sammer, Nehal Mistry, and Jimmy Salmon and Pali Rohar. https://launchpad.net/stargus Usage: startool archive-directory [destination-directory] [mpqlist-file] -V Show version -h Show usage archive-directory Directory which include the archive install.exe or stardat.mpq... destination-directory Directory where the extracted files are placed. mpqlist-file mpqlist.txt file which contains mpq file names


I had to manually specify the 3rd hidden option "mpqlist-file" - once I manually linked to this file it was able to build a data.sg file in my home directory.

startool /run/media/electricprism/StarCraft /home/electricprism/data.sg /usr/share/games/stratagus/stargus/mpqlist.txt

Hope this info helps others out there experiencing the same problem.

xythobuz commented 8 years ago

Similar problems here. First, I had to touch ~/.stratagus/sc/data/mpqlist.txt to get something other than "could not open archive". Now instead I get this error:

Archive "/Users/thomas/StarCraft//starcraft.mpq"
Not found: files\font\font8.fnt

The archive exists, this is my installed Version StarCraft 1.15.2 and it works flawlessly in Windows, although I'm not sure where it's from, exactly...

timfel commented 8 years ago

I have seen this problem, might have a temporary fix / workaround soon.

timfel commented 8 years ago

@xythobuz you shouldn't have to use an empty mpqlist file, there is one that comes with this project, could you try it? Also, I have updated the windows installer, you could try extracting the data in windows and moving it to your unix box

Hypexed commented 7 years ago

What's the result here? I'm trying to help someone else with this edition install but it always breaks. Should this work now?