Wargus / stratagus

The Stratagus strategy game engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Getting kicked out during campaign mission play #59

Closed timfel closed 8 years ago

timfel commented 8 years ago

I cannot for the life of me figure out what on earth is going on during the Human Mission 4 on Tides of Darkness Campaign! It just kicks me out to the desktop. I haven't tested any other missions beyond this one, but the ones before it work fine. I used the debug version of the STRATAGUS.EXE, and to me it seems like it has something to do with path finding, as the errors are showing in "astar.cpp", "unit_find.cpp" and "pathfinder.cpp" so far, I haven't looked at the entire list of debug information that gets displayed in VC.

Even if I destroy one of the orcs oil platforms it freaks, or if I get all my destroyers down to the bottom of the map it chucks a whammy and throws me out.

I am using the latest build (8136), both release and debug builds to test the campaigns and skirmish maps out. I have also been kicked out of skirmish games against the AI too. I haven't tested in a network senario yet against another human player.

The first bug is in ASTAR.CPP on line 544 if that means anything.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by joris-dauphin) I will try to reproduce this bug and fix it...

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by joris-dauphin) I fixed a bug in Pathfinder (that I have introduced :-/ )

The error appeared with "big unit" on the border on the map (mostly on the bottom). thanks for report.

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by dinky-dye-aussie) I downloaded 8140 and compiled it, then tested it and the enemy ships aren't causing any more problems, but it's still kicking me to the desktop on the same map I first mentioned, and I think it's to do with my units this time - still the ships causing it I think.

It's still flunking out on the same same line (544) in the same file (astar.cpp), and a dozen or so after that else where and in other files. I'll keep testing.

I have the latest wargus trunk scripts as well if that helps. Thanks again for fixing that big-unit bug though :)

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by dinky-dye-aussie) I found a new bug and this time it is to do with harvesting - no it is not causing the game to crash, so it's not a gold mine issue.

It is along the lines of path finding -> I tell a peasent to harvest lumber/gold, he does so willingly, then once he is done, he heads to the depot, but sometimes he will stop outside the depot, and not go in - even when he's right next to it! It's like he can't find the depot, and a few seconds later he'll automatically drop his lumber/gold and stand there waiting for the player to give him an order.

Other times he will drop off the lumber/gold at the depot, and DOES head back out to harvest. He gets to the gold mine ok, but when it comes to harvesting lumber, he heads to where the trees are, but stops just shy, as if he knows there are trees, but he could've swarn last time they were closer. Not knowing where to head to find trees again (when there's a row of them in front of him), he just stands around again, waiting to be told where to get lumber from.

Almost everytime a peasent has come out of the depot and stopped near some trees he was harvesting before, I have to manually instruct him to harvest this bunch of trees or that bunch there, 70% of the time I have to issue the order, and this didn't happen in release 8139, they definetly were able to find the trees by themselves.

So that's the latest bug.

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by joris-dauphin) I have just fixed a bug in pathfinding when the unit's goal in the adjacent diag direction.

timfel commented 8 years ago

(by dinky-dye-aussie) Sweet as man them peasents are doin what they're supposed to do now - love ya work! Awesome.