WarmUpTill / SceneSwitcher

An automated scene switcher for OBS Studio
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Feature Request - Create/Edit New Broadcast [Youtube] #665

Open Courageousodin opened 1 year ago

Courageousodin commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm trying to use the plugin in a bit of an unorthdox way and was wondering if you could add some functionality to help with automation. I primarily livestream on twitch, however I try to upload all my VODs to youtube as its just a much better place for that. I've been using your plugin to easily re-broadcast my twitch streams to youtube, as simply uploading the VOD categorizes the VOD as a video and not a livestream.

The way I do this is by playing the VOD through OBS and broadcasting to youtube, and then using the plugin to end the broadcast when the video ends (that way I can just leave my computer running and it will just end itself). This is fine if I just wanted to re-broadcast one VOD, but I want to upload a bunch of my backlog and doing it this way 1 by 1 is a bit tedious. A way I thought I could get around this was to use the plugin too a. detect the video ends and end the livestream b. skip to the next video in the playlist and pause c. start the livestream and un-pause the video d. repeat

The problem I ran into here is that on youtube specifically it needs you to "create a broadcast" for every livestream you do beforehand; so when I try to go live again after the previous livestream OBS gives me an error as there is no broadcast for the application to livestream through. I was wondering if you could add a macro to just create and select the broadcast with some default settings (I upload all my VODs with filename titles and have the livestreams be unlisted, that way I can edit them when they are done rebroadcasting)

Pictures attached of what creating the youtube broadcast looks like if you are unfamilair image image

pkej commented 1 year ago

Have you considered Multiple RTMP Outputs for streaming to both at the same time? Then there would be no backlog.

You might also be able to use Source Recorder whic basically makes your OBS able to both record and stream Scenes independently. You could just heap it on your main output (perhpas using "Source Mirror" if needed).

Apart from that, I would love to be able to set up streaming info automatically from OBS like you describe.

Courageousodin commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately with the way twitch contracts work they own exclusivity of my streamed content for 48 hrs after the broadcast. Although now that you mention it I could use that plugin to simultaneously stream to both platforms with the youtube livestream being unlisted until the exclusivity period ends.

pkej commented 1 year ago

An aside, contract, like in the Twitch rules? Or you're on a contract with twitch?

BenJamesAndo commented 1 year ago

I'd love to see those featured added. Bitfocus Companion allows you to change OBS' streaming key, but being able to dial in and change the YouTube Event settings within OBS would be awesome.

Currently Advanced Scene Switcher's only actions for streaming is stop streaming or start streaming. Would be cool to see

WarmUpTill commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion and sorry for replying so late to this feature request! :)

The main issue I have is that (unless I am missing something) there is no OBS API enabling the creation of YouTube broadcasts. I would basically have to reimplement what OBS does and somehow forward this information to OBS. So I do not know when I would get around to this.

Courageousodin commented 1 year ago

Ah, that's unfortunate. hopefully they add that functionality in with a future update