I'm trying to only output reduced grid variables as the simulations I'm running are very large, and this seems to work on everything except derived and species variables. I'm pretty sure this is just an issue with my syntax rather than a bug but when using the following syntax in the input deck (does 'single' do anything anymore?):
input.deck syntax
name = fields_reduced
skip = 4
name = fields
file_prefix = fields
use_offset_grid = F
dt_snapshot = 5 * femto
time_stop = 300*femto
particles = never
grid = fields_reduced + always + single
ex = fields_reduced + always + single
ey = fields_reduced + always + single
ez = fields_reduced + always + single
bx = fields_reduced + always + single
by = fields_reduced + always + single
bz = fields_reduced + always + single
jx = fields_reduced + always + single
jy = fields_reduced + always + single
jz = fields_reduced + always + single
number_density = fields_reduced + always + single + species
ekbar = fields_reduced + always + single + species
dumped variable names
These variables are then dumped (ignoring all the surface variables):
Also what exactly is the difference between Current_Jx and Derived_Jx? I've not got current smoothing on or anything so I'd assume these should be the same?
I'm trying to only output reduced grid variables as the simulations I'm running are very large, and this seems to work on everything except derived and species variables. I'm pretty sure this is just an issue with my syntax rather than a bug but when using the following syntax in the input deck (does 'single' do anything anymore?):
input.deck syntax
dumped variable names
These variables are then dumped (ignoring all the surface variables):
Current_Jx_Reduced_fields_reduced Current_Jy_Reduced_fields_reduced Current_Jz_Reduced_fields_reduced Derived_Average_Particle_Energy Derived_Average_Particle_Energy_Carbon Derived_Average_Particle_Energy_Electron Derived_Average_Particle_Energy_Subset_fields_reduced_Reduced Derived_Jx_Subset_fields_reduced_Reduced Derived_Jy_Subset_fields_reduced_Reduced Derived_Jz_Subset_fields_reduced_Reduced Derived_Number_Density Derived_Number_Density_Carbon Derived_Number_Density_Electron Derived_Number_Density_Subset_fields_reduced_Reduced Electric_Field_Ex_Reduced_fields_reduced Electric_Field_Ey_Reduced_fields_reduced Electric_Field_Ez_Reduced_fields_reduced Grid_CPUs_Original_rank Grid_CPUs_Original_rank_mid Grid_Grid Grid_Grid_mid Grid_Reduced_fields_reduced Grid_Reduced_fields_reduced_mid Header Magnetic_Field_Bx_Reduced_fields_reduced Magnetic_Field_By_Reduced_fields_reduced Magnetic_Field_Bz_Reduced_fields_reduced
Also what exactly is the difference between Current_Jx and Derived_Jx? I've not got current smoothing on or anything so I'd assume these should be the same?