Warwick-Plasma / epoch

Particle-in-cell code for plasma physics simulations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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some doubles about no output data when running my input.deck #613

Open hwckyu opened 9 months ago

hwckyu commented 9 months ago

Hi devs,

the step, submitting my input.deck(the attached txt file), seems ok. But, when the calculation is finished, I find that the output fields' and particle's files are 2 KB, which seem no data stored. And indeed, when ploting the .sdf file, I do not find any varibales inside.(the example file is attached, .sdf)

inputDeck.txt fields0001_sdf.txt

Are there anything wrong in my deck? Looking forward,


Status-Mirror commented 9 months ago

Hey @hwckyu,

I've run your input deck with the version of EPOCH currently on the main github branch, and I can recommend a few tweaks.

You might think this time-step is ridiculously small - after all, you have a cell size of 500 microns, which implies a time-step nearer $c \Delta x \approx 1.7$ ps. However, EPOCH also chooses a time-step to resolve the plasma frequency, and I think it's trying to resolve the plasma frequency of your I1 species.

You can override this time-step behaviour by tweaking the source-code, but that's a dangerous road to go down. There's probably a reason why you want to resolve the plasma frequency in a PIC code.

Let me know if you want any further support - I'd find it useful to know what you're trying to simulate.

Cheers, Stuart