Warzone2100 / old-trac-import

Archived Import of (old) Warzone 2100 Trac
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The starting frame for VTOL jets' texture animation is influenced by the teamcolour and the animation will not loop correctly if it starts on the wrong frame #3394

Open wzdev-ci opened 12 years ago

wzdev-ci commented 12 years ago

keyword_VTOL_animation_texture_teamcolour_chopper_helicopter type_bug | by Mysteryem

With the old team colour system, the team colour chooses which frame is loaded out of a texture animation. If the object in question uses the animation instead of team colour (e.g. explosions and VTOL jets), the starting frame is still set based on the team colour. While completely unnoticeable usually, the attached mod makes the problem rather obvious, since the rotor blade animation has 3 frames out of a possible 4 which could be used on the texture page it uses.

The top left of the image is where the animation should start, as defined in the modified effects\fxvtl01.pie and the animation has 3 frames, before it should start on frame 1 again. (Should go: top left, top right, bottom left, top left, top right etc.)

However, if playing as the orange team colour (team colour 1), the animation will start on the top right, then go to the bottom left and then continue to display the bottom left for another frame, before going back to the top right and repeating.

Team colour 2 (grey) will then start on the bottom left, then display bottom left for a second frame and then display top right.

Team colour 3 (black) will start on the top left, but only because the starting frame has reached the end and started back at the beginning. This then repeats, with all of 0,3,6 and 9 starting at the top left and looking correct, while all other team colours look incorrect.

This may or may not be a problem only associated with the VTOL jet animations, I don't know whether it actually effects other animations such as explosions, since I don't know if they inherit team colours from whatever is firing them etc.

To test this, the attached mod replaces the viper body with BP's scavenger helicopter model and the viper body's VTOL jet animation with my custom rotor blade animation, so all you need to do, is create a viper VTOL and move it so that the animation is displayed. If tested with green, black, pink and purple it'll seem to work as intended, any other team colour and one of the frames will be displayed twice as long.

(note that the forth place on the texpage (which would be displayed if the animation had 4 frames) is not shown and instead, the previous frame is displayed twice as long)

Issue migrated from trac:3394 at 2022-04-16 09:43:29 -0700

wzdev-ci commented 12 years ago

Mysteryem uploaded file chopperanim.wz (128.0 KiB)

wzdev-ci commented 12 years ago

Berg commented

It maybe that the last frame (3rd) is the at rest frame so when the animation is not running it shows that frame? I am not sure about that but the animation in wz is odd to say the least.