Warzone2100 / old-trac-import

Archived Import of (old) Warzone 2100 Trac
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Mac OSX 12.2.6 Build begin to work #4695

Open wzdev-ci opened 6 years ago

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

type_bug | by PierreC

I build Warzone 2100.app with source code warzone2100-3.2.1.tar.xz (and warzone2100-master too) The command xcodebuild -project Warzone.xcodeproj -target Warzone -configuration Release had a build error at end, so I use OneStepWZMasterBuild.command, and it make the Warzone 2100.app. But... when I lauch Warzone 2100.app, I have the start picture and an Infinite loop. So the intéressant part: I use lldb to see and kill the bugs ... The first is the infinite loop, in Vorbis.framework 0x100eeeb1c: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x100eeeb1e: 0f 85 ea 00 00 00 jne 0x100eeec0e ; <+350> FORCER 0x100eeeb24: 49 8b 4e 10 movq 0x10(%[14]), %rcx b 0x100eeeb1e register write pc 0x100eeec0e --> OK After what I have an error generated by Warzone
frame #2: 0x0000000100005419 Warzone`resLoad(char const
, int) + 153 0x100005419: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x10000541b: 74 5c je 0x100005479 ; <+249> FORCER donne le son et demarre ! 0x10000541d: 41 80 7e 1c 00 cmpb $0x0, 0x1c(%[14]) b *0x10000541b register write pc 0x100005479

And I have the music, the menu work well... it work but I can't start the party without error. I hope it can help, I hope an binary OSX version ....

Thank for reading PierreC

Issue migrated from trac:4695 at 2022-04-16 12:59:07 -0700

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

PierreC uploaded file Vorbis (952.1 KiB)

Modified Vorbis framework

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

PierreC uploaded file Warzone (4694.8 KiB)

Modiied Warzone exec

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon changed blocking which not transferred by tractive

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon changed blockedby which not transferred by tractive

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon commented

Does it make a difference if you start Warzone 2100 with the '--nosound' commandline option?

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Berserk Cyborg commented

Marked #4696 as duplicate.

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon commented

I may have experienced the same audio problem as this user with Linux, although I currently fail to reproduce it. The game crashed with a SIGSEGV immediately after start. An excerpt from the log (see [raw-attachment:warzone2100.gdmp] for all of it):

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fdb6cbc5f40 (LWP 5907)):
#0  0x00007fdb6c5cf697 in waitpid () from /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0000564c8fa4e2ba in posixExceptionHandler (signum=11, 
    sigcontext=0x564c8f9eeac6 <sound_FinishedCallback(AUDIO_SAMPLE*)+54>)
    at exceptionhandler.cpp:604
        status = 0
        allreadyRunning = 1
        gdmpFile = 0x564c8fac9090 <posixExceptionHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*)::gdmpFile>
        gdmpPath = 0x7ffd4c6b1758
        dumpFilename = 0x7ffd4c6b2758
        btBuffer = {0x564c9059a740 <programPath>, 
          0x564c9059b740 <programPID>, 0x0, 
          0x564c8fa4dcff <posixExceptionHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*)+95>, 
          0x7fdb6c5cfdb0 <__restore_rt>, 
          0x564c8f9eeac6 <sound_FinishedCallback(AUDIO_SAMPLE*)+54>, 
          0x564c8f9ec661 <sound_DestroyIteratedSample(SAMPLE_LIST**, SAMPLE_LIST**)+65>, 0x564c8f9ecd05 <sound_Update()+389>, 
          0x564c8f9eb10f <audio_Update()+559>, 
          0x564c8f9dcdca <titleLoop()+362>, 0x564c8f8ab705 <mainLoop()+469>, 
          0x564c8fa5822c <wzMainEventLoop()+172>, 
          0x564c8f8aa732 <realmain(int, char**)+2850>, 
          0x7fdb670e1f4a <__libc_start_main+234>, 0x564c8f7df8ba <_start+42>, 
          0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}
#2  <signal handler called>
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x0000564c8f9eeac6 in sound_FinishedCallback (psSample=0x564c93b260b0)
    at track.cpp:356
        __FUNCTION__ = 0x564c8fab37a0 <sound_FinishedCallback(AUDIO_SAMPLE*)::__FUNCTION__>
#4  0x0000564c8f9ec661 in sound_DestroyIteratedSample (
    previous=0x7ffd4c6b3dd8, sample=0x7ffd4c6b3dd0) at openal_track.cpp:276
No locals.
#5  0x0000564c8f9ecd05 in sound_Update () at openal_track.cpp:368
        state = 0
        node = 0x10143e99999a
        previous = 0x564c93b1d6d0
        gain = 6.72623263e-43
        __FUNCTION__ = 0x564c8fab3448 <sound_Update()::__FUNCTION__>
#6  0x0000564c8f9eb10f in audio_Update () at audio.cpp:606
        angle = -1.56482034e-29
        psSample = 0x0
        psSampleTemp = 0x564c8facdb00
#7  0x0000564c8f9dcdca in titleLoop () at wrappers.cpp:270
        __FUNCTION__ = 0x564c8faae7c8 <titleLoop()::__FUNCTION__>
#8  0x0000564c8f8ab705 in mainLoop () at main.cpp:699
wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon uploaded file warzone2100.gdmp (15.3 KiB)

crash log

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

PierreC commented

Replying to Warzone2100/old-trac-import#4695 (comment:1):

Does it make a difference if you start Warzone 2100 with the '--nosound' commandline option?

YES ! IT WORK !!! (with the unmodified version with original Vorbis and Warzone))

Thank you Master ! No sound, but I can play ... The day after: stange, this morning I launch the unmodified version, without option And it work, without sound. The modified version halt with error. Perhaps the --nosound configuration was saved ?

Pierre C

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon commented

Replying to Warzone2100/old-trac-import#4695 (comment:4)

[...] Perhaps the --nosound configuration was saved ? [...]

It was indeed saved: The option '--nosound' set the 'sound' variable of your configuration file inside your configuration directory to 0.

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

PierreC commented

Today on OSX 10.12.6 I build again Warzone 2100master with OneStepWZMasterBuild.command in her macosx folder. It build Warzone 2100.app. I launch directly Warzone 2100.app from the Finder The option --nosound is set from yesterday (config file is in Application Support/Warzone 2100 folder) It work correctly, but without the sound. I wish to have the sound another day ! Thank you all Pierre C

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

PierreC changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

wzdev-ci commented 6 years ago

Forgon commented

Replying to Warzone2100/old-trac-import#4695 (comment:6):

[...] It work correctly, but without the sound. [...]

If you run Warzone 2100 with '--sound' or, alternatively, set 'sound=1' in your config file, does the problem reoccur?