WasabiFan / 3D-US-Data-Map

3D US Data Map is an in-browser 3D map of the US, split by County or State, with geographies extruded and colored based on a user-chosen formula that can access US census data.
Microsoft Public License
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Puerto Rico not available in many datasets #34

Open WasabiFan opened 10 years ago

WasabiFan commented 10 years ago

Because it is an unincorporated territory instead of a state, very few datasets have much data for it. When there isn't data for a property for a state, it currently displays a warning alert box and the object becomes gray and flat. Because it's such a common case to not have it's data, should we suppress the box for Puerto Rico?

btbonval commented 10 years ago

Actually, even when Puerto Rico is represented, for some reason, Census Bureau chooses to create mutually exclusive data sets. ACS has plenty of properties which are PR specific and other properties which exclude PR.

Poor Puerto Rico. :(