WasatchPhotonics / ENLIGHTEN

Open-source spectroscopy application for controlling and taking measurements from Wasatch Photonics spectrometers.
MIT License
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Set Enlighten to default to truncated appending logs #296

Closed samiebee43 closed 11 months ago

samiebee43 commented 11 months ago

Using --log-append=LIMIT as the new default, Enlighten will append to the log file but keep it within a certain size.

The size limit is decided by Wasatch.PY. Currently it is 20mb, but we want to tweak that based on a few things.

1) start up time. At 20mb it takes more than 60 seconds to open Enlighten. We want to keep launch sub, say, 35 seconds. 2) log coverage time. I'm aiming for 3-10 hours of program time if it's possible. 3) email attachment size. With a max of 25mb on most email clients, that's where 20 mb comes from (~5mb for last session, which may not have a program start truncation)

samiebee43 commented 11 months ago

We ended up with about 7 minutes of program time for 20mb not 3-10 hours :(

start up time around 20mb is garbage, but it's not because of the file trimming code. That executed on a 60gb file instantly. (Good job, me). More info here: https://github.com/WasatchPhotonics/Wasatch.PY/pull/89

samiebee43 commented 11 months ago

We may want to control Enlighten's boot time when the log is in the ballpark of 20mb, premerge. It's currently 1m 30s.

Thanks to the gray bubble in the splash screen, we can see that ResourceMonitorFeature seems to be the thing lagging in that case, but I don't see anything in that file that would reference the log. Notably, ResourceMonitorFeature is the first of "create_rest" in BusinessObjects

@mzieg Do you have any idea what may be lagging the boot ? It might be my program after all-- what would be a good way to test this?

samiebee43 commented 11 months ago

Actually, since I don't have time to work on this and BLE at the same time, maybe we should just set the limit to 2mb for now and come back to it later ?

At least it will help with the case of "let me restart Enlighten real quick before sending the log to support", and it will provide us some surface to extend our log history later.

samiebee43 commented 11 months ago

Now Wasatch.PY #93 is a prerequisite.