Washington-Superbike / Superbike-Firmware

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csv files per boot #13

Open Chase-Arline opened 1 year ago

Chase-Arline commented 1 year ago

Right now each csv file (i.e. motor_temperature_log.csv, etc.) is created after boot ( or appended to, can't remember).

It would be better if we created a new directory on the SD card at boot to store the new csv logs. If on boot the time is 05/16/2023 12:51:00 AM, the directory name should be (if legal on SD card) 2023-05-16_12_51_00 Note that this would make the log naming convention in https://github.com/Washington-Superbike/ARHMA2021/issues/12 less important, and you could just simply name the log log.txt