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Externtype checking during instantiation #124

Closed presenthee closed 2 months ago

presenthee commented 2 months ago

Hi, I would like to ask a question about type validation during instantiation.

In the wasm 3.0 spec, provided imports are checked with the declared types. 스크린샷 2024-09-09 오후 4 16 19

In the spec written in DSL, It seems that this checking is reflected as the rule Externaddr_type/sub.

def $instantiate(store, module, externaddr*) : config
def $instantiate(s, module, externaddr*) = s'; f; instr_E* instr_D* instr_S?
  ---- ----
  -- Module_ok: |- module : xt_I* -> xt_E*
  -- (Externaddr_type: s |- externaddr : xt_I)*
  -- if module = MODULE type* import* func* global* table* mem* tag* elem* data* start? export*
  -- if global* = (GLOBAL globaltype expr_G)*
rule Externaddr_type/sub:
  s |- externaddr : xt
  -- Externaddr_type: s |- externaddr : xt'
  -- Externtype_sub: {} |- xt' <: xt

But unlike current wasm 3.0 spec, DSL spec does not instantiate closed type of xt_I. I'm curious whether this is the intended difference or not. If not, a function like $clos_externtype may be needed?

Thank you!

rossberg commented 2 months ago

The type closure moved into the Module_ok judgement. In the old spec, module typing still produced module types whose containing externtypes were not closed. This was a bit weird, so in the SpecTec version, that rule closes these types itself, so we don't need to do it here.

As a second simplification, the application of subtyping on the imports' types moved from here to the externaddr typing judgement Externaddr_type (externaddr was called externval in the old spec). The rule Externaddr_type/sub is the subsumption rule that allows to weaken an externaddr's type to a supertype, which did not exist in the old spec. The actual subtyping between extern types is defined by the relation Externtype_sub.

presenthee commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the explanation! Sorry for the repetitive question, but I have an additional one.

In the module allocation, types of funcs, tables, ..., and elems are also instantiated before allocation. 스크린샷 2024-09-11 오후 5 16 33

Similarly, it seems that there is no explicit clos_ function application in allocmodule of the DSL spec, and I couldn't find a rule to instantiate these types (like the Module_ok rule in the instantiate function). Can you please let me know where the instantiation takes place in this case?

def $allocmodule(store, module, externaddr*, val*, ref*, (ref*)*) : (store, moduleinst)
def $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val_G*, ref_T*, (ref_E*)*) = (s_7, moduleinst)
  ---- ----
  -- if module = MODULE type* import* func* global* table* mem* tag* elem* data* start? export*
  -- if func* = (FUNC x local* expr_F)*
  -- if global* = (GLOBAL globaltype expr_G)*
  -- if table* = (TABLE tabletype expr_T)*
  -- if mem* = (MEMORY memtype)*
  -- if tag* = (TAG y)*
  -- if elem* = (ELEM elemtype expr_E* elemmode)*
  -- if data* = (DATA byte* datamode)*
  ;; TODO(3, rossberg): inline these
  -- if fa_I* = $funcsxa(externaddr*)
  -- if ga_I* = $globalsxa(externaddr*)
  -- if ta_I* = $tablesxa(externaddr*)
  -- if ma_I* = $memsxa(externaddr*)
  -- if aa_I* = $tagsxa(externaddr*)
  ;; TODO(2, rossberg): get rid of these forward guesses
  -- if fa* = ($(|s.FUNCS|+i_F))^(i_F<|func*|)
  -- if ga* = ($(|s.GLOBALS|+i_G))^(i_G<|global*|)
  -- if ta* = ($(|s.TABLES|+i_T))^(i_T<|table*|)
  -- if aa* = ($(|s.TAGS|+i_A))^(i_A<|tag*|)
  -- if ma* = ($(|s.MEMS|+i_M))^(i_M<|mem*|)
  -- if ea* = ($(|s.ELEMS|+i_E))^(i_E<|elem*|)
  -- if da* = ($(|s.DATAS|+i_D))^(i_D<|data*|)
  -- if dt* = $alloctypes(type*)
  -- if (s_1, fa*) = $allocfuncs(s, dt*[x]*, (FUNC x local* expr_F)*, moduleinst^(|func*|))
  -- if (s_2, ga*) = $allocglobals(s_1, globaltype*, val_G*)
  -- if (s_3, ta*) = $alloctables(s_2, tabletype*, ref_T*)
  -- if (s_4, ma*) = $allocmems(s_3, memtype*)
  -- if (s_5, aa*) = $alloctags(s_4, dt*[y]*)
  -- if (s_6, ea*) = $allocelems(s_5, elemtype*, (ref_E*)*)
  -- if (s_7, da*) = $allocdatas(s_6, OK^(|data*|), (byte*)*)
  ;; TODO(2, rossberg): use moduleinst here and remove hack above
  -- if xi* = $allocexports({FUNCS fa_I* fa*, GLOBALS ga_I* ga*, TABLES ta_I* ta*, MEMS ma_I* ma*, TAGS aa_I* aa*}, export*)
  -- if moduleinst = {
      TYPES dt*,
      FUNCS fa_I* fa*, \
      GLOBALS ga_I* ga*,
      TABLES ta_I* ta*, \
      MEMS ma_I* ma*,
      TAGS aa_I* aa*,
      ELEMS ea*, \
      DATAS da*,
      EXPORTS xi*
rossberg commented 2 months ago

You are right, it is missing there. Well-spotted!

The type arguments in the calls to allocglobals/tables/mems/elems each ought to have a call to a suitable inst_xyztype function using dt as environment. (Functions and tags are fine, because they just take their types from dt, which already is instantiated.)

I'll prepare a fix.