WatWowMap / ReactMap

Pokemon GO Map frontend built with React
MIT License
129 stars 64 forks source link

Telegram permissions #390

Closed klablabla closed 2 years ago

klablabla commented 2 years ago

The permissions are not loaded for telegram. I got telegram authentication working with the following local.json file. But everyone that login has all the rights. It's not looking up the groups if the user is a member.

{ "interface": "", "port": 8080, "packageSource": "git/docker", "api": { "sessionSecret": "98ki^e72~!@#(85o3kXLI*#c9wu5l!Zx", "reactMapSecret": "You Should Change Me", "maxSessions": 5, "queryAvailable": { "pokemon": true, "quests": true, "raids": true, "nests": false }, "pvp": { "leagues": [ { "name": "great", "cp": 1500 }, { "name": "ultra", "cp": 2500 } ], "levels": [ 50, 51 ], "reactMapHandlesPvp": false } }, "map": { "general": { "title": "ReactMap", "headerTitle": "ReactMap", "startLat": 0, "startLon": 0, "startZoom": 12, "minZoom": 10, "maxZoom": 18 }, "links": { "feedbackLink": "", "statsLink": "" }, "misc": { "enableQuestSetSelector": true } }, "clientSideOptions": { "pokemon": { "clustering": true, "glow": [ { "name": "Hundo", "perm": "iv", "num": 100, "value": "#ff1744", "op": "=" }, { "name": "Top 3 Ranks", "perm": "pvp", "num": 3, "value": "#0000ff", "op": "<=" }, { "name": "Multiple", "perm": "pvp", "value": "#800080" } ] } }, "database": { "settings": { "userTableName": "users", "sessionTableName": "session" }, "schemas": [ { "type": "mad", "host": "", "port": 3306, "username": "Username", "password": "Password!", "database": "maddb", "charset": "utf8mb4", "hasAltQuests": false, "useFor": [ "device", "gym", "pokemon", "pokestop", "scanCell", "spawnpoint", "weather" ] }, { "type": "manual", "host": "", "port": 3306, "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "database": "reactdb", "charset": "utf8mb4", "useFor": [ "session", "user", "nest", "portal" ] } ] }, "authentication": { "strategies": [ { "enabled": true, "name": "telegram", "type": "telegram", "botToken": "1234567890:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "groups": [ "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890" ], "redirectUri": "https://url.com/auth/telegram/callback", "telegramBotEnvRef": "PoGoReactMapAuthbot" } ], "areaRestrictions": [ { "roles": [], "areas": [] }, { "roles": [], "areas": [] } ], "alwaysEnabledPerms": [], "perms": { "map": { "enabled": true, "roles": [ "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890" ] }, "pokemon": { "enabled": true, "roles": [ "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890" ] }, "iv": { "enabled": true, "roles": [ "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890" ] }, "pvp": { "enabled": true, "roles": [ "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890" ] }, "gyms": { "enabled": true, "roles": [ "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", "-1001234567890", 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klablabla commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/WatWowMap/ReactMap/pull/391 This is fixed now.