WaterLily-jl / WaterLily.jl

Fast and simple fluid simulator in Julia
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Noisy dependence of the body position #137

Open weymouth opened 3 weeks ago

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

Simple test case demonstrating issue: master

[updated example]

using WaterLily,StaticArrays

function circle(center;ϵ=1,Re=100,n=3*2^6,m=2^7,U=1,T=typeof(center))
    radius = m÷8
    body = AutoBody((x,t)->√sum(abs2, x .- center) - radius)
    Simulation((n,m), (U,0), radius; ν=U*radius/Re, body,T,ϵ)
function circle_ke(x;kwargs...)
    sim = circle(x;kwargs...)
    # sum(I->WaterLily.ke(I,sim.flow.u),inside(sim.flow.p))
    # sum(I->WaterLily.ke(I,sim.flow.u,SA[1,0]),inside(sim.flow.p))
    sim.flow.u[83,66,2] # within the BDIM-ϵ region

using Plots,TypedTables 
data = map(range(64,66,200)) do x
end |> Table
data2 = map(range(64,66,200)) do x
end |> Table

plot(data.x,data.double,label="Float64, ϵ=1",c=:blue)
plot!(data.x,data.single,label="Float32, ϵ=1",ls=:dash,c=:lightblue)
plot!(data2.x,data2.double,label="Float64, ϵ=2",c=:red)
plot!(data2.x,data2.single,label="Float32, ϵ=2",ls=:dash,c=:orange)
b-fg commented 3 weeks ago

The wavy pattern probably has a wavenumber related to BDIM's epsilon right?

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

The amplitude of that wave is related to epsilon. The wavenumber is set by the grid spacing. totalKE_master

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

There might be a problem with the Waterlily.ke function because when I subtract the background flow using


I get a very different amount of noise addedKE_master

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

To separate the two issues, here is the result just sampling the velocity sim.flow.u[91,65,2], which looks basically perfect. So perhaps this is purely and issue with metrics that accumulate over fields! 😱


b-fg commented 3 weeks ago

Well, that's a good catch. Then I think there is probably noise in the bodies or the boundaries, and that should be masked out when computing integrals values.

b-fg commented 3 weeks ago

I tested to exclude boundaries and internal body cells with no improvement.

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like the noise is strongly dependent on the finite pressure tolerance. Here is the measurement of sum(sim.flow.u[2:end-1,1:end-1,2]) for different tolerances:

The current default tol=2e-4: master

Ten times smaller tol=2e-5 tol2em5

The floor tol=10eps(T) tol10eps

Same, but without the Float32 runs so you can see the Float64 levels... tol10epsFloat64

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

So it looks like there are three sources of "noise".

  1. BDIM noise with wavelength=h and amplitude dependent on epsilon. Only really noticeable in some metrics (probably mostly BL related).
  2. Pressure solver noise with amplitude dependent on the solver tolerance. Not clear if there is a "wavelength" of if it's basically broadband.
  3. Finite precision noise. Maybe fixable with some tricks in the accumulation when using Float32? #134
b-fg commented 3 weeks ago

That PR basically has implemented sum(Float64,...) so maybe that improves the results regarding the finite precision noise when running with Float32.

Also, to make the derivative smooth, we could first do the integrals of the AD variable with Float64 (as in the PR), but then cast it to Float32, regardless of the simulation precision. That could be a way to automatically smooth the derivative if, as shown, the noise is around O(10^-8).

weymouth commented 3 weeks ago

As far as I can tell, nothing in that PR actually improves the results for Float32.