Waterboy1602 / Addarr

Telegram Bot for adding series/movies to Sonarr/Radarr or for changing the download speed of Transmission/Sabnzbd
MIT License
229 stars 55 forks source link

Adding a series flow #156

Closed s0041464 closed 6 months ago

s0041464 commented 6 months ago

Hi guys, When adding a series, I am asked "From which season?" I select "Season 1", a green tick appears. Then it just sits there. Am i missing something? Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 11 04 29

Waterboy1602 commented 6 months ago

After you've selected the seasons that you want , you have to press "Future and Selected seasons"

s0041464 commented 6 months ago

Ok I had been several version behind. That makes sense. I’m getting “Oops, failed to add the series. Maybe give it another try.” Though. Tried multiple series.

s0041464 commented 6 months ago

IMG_1190 I’m running in docker. I’ve recreated the container. Also confirmed the bot can talk to radarr. If this was a wider issue then I’d assume it would be affecting more people so happy to close unless you have any more hints for me to look into. Could it be a configuration that triggers when this step completes?

Waterboy1602 commented 6 months ago

Have you already looked to the logs of the bot? They will be outputted into your Docker container. Most of the time if Addarr fails to add something, it has to do with a misconfiguration in the config-file

s0041464 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the reply I just tested a series and a movie The movie worked

Can you see anything strange?

2024-03-13 08:58:17,002 - addarr - DEBUG - Addarr v0.7 starting up...
2024-03-13 08:58:17,783 - addarr - DEBUG - Addarr v0.7 starting up...
2024-03-13 08:58:18,082 - addarr - INFO - Start chatting with Addarr in Telegram. The first time you use "start" you will be asked to enter your password.
2024-03-13 09:00:17,193 - addarr - DEBUG - User issued /series command, so setting user_data[choice] accordingly
2024-03-13 09:00:29,326 - addarr - DEBUG - reply is Shōgun (2024)
2024-03-13 09:00:29,326 - addarr - DEBUG - User entered a title Shōgun (2024)
2024-03-13 09:00:29,326 - addarr - DEBUG - user_data[choice] is Series, skipping step of selecting movie/series
2024-03-13 09:00:36,752 - addarr - DEBUG - Excluded root folders: [None]
2024-03-13 09:00:36,752 - addarr - DEBUG - Only found 1 path, so proceeding with that one...
2024-03-13 09:00:43,514 - addarr - DEBUG - Seasons [{'seasonNumber': 0, 'monitored': False}, {'seasonNumber': 1, 'monitored': True}] have been selected.
2024-03-13 09:00:43,514 - addarr - DEBUG - Seasons [{'seasonNumber': 0, 'monitored': False}, {'seasonNumber': 1, 'monitored': True}] have been selected.
2024-03-13 09:00:43,720 - addarr - DEBUG - Message : Message(channel_chat_created=False, chat=Chat(first_name='blah', id=000000001, type=<ChatType.PRIVATE>, username='blah'), date=datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 13, 9, 0, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), delete_chat_photo=False, edit_date=datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 13, 9, 0, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), from_user=User(first_name='blah', id=blah, is_bot=True, username='blah'), group_chat_created=False, message_id=0000, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=((InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Season: Future and Selected', text='Future and Selected seasons'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Season: 0', text='Season 0'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Season: 1', text='Season 1 ✅'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Season: All', text='Mark all seasons'),))), supergroup_chat_created=False, text='From which season?')
2024-03-13 09:00:43,738 - addarr - DEBUG - Tags [] have been selected.
2024-03-13 09:00:47,757 - addarr.sonarr - DEBUG - Query endpoint is:
2024-03-13 09:00:49,212 - addarr - DEBUG - Removing choice, title, position, paths, and output from context.user_data...
2024-03-13 09:03:57,359 - addarr - DEBUG - User issued /movie command, so setting user_data[choice] accordingly
2024-03-13 09:04:12,832 - addarr - DEBUG - reply is Ferris bueller
2024-03-13 09:04:12,833 - addarr - DEBUG - User entered a title Ferris bueller
2024-03-13 09:04:12,833 - addarr - DEBUG - user_data[choice] is Movie, skipping step of selecting movie/series
2024-03-13 09:04:12,833 - addarr.radarr - INFO -
2024-03-13 09:04:17,188 - addarr - DEBUG - Excluded root folders: [None]
2024-03-13 09:04:17,189 - addarr - DEBUG - Only found 1 path, so proceeding with that one...
2024-03-13 09:04:20,218 - addarr - DEBUG - Message : Message(channel_chat_created=False, chat=Chat(first_name='blah', id=blah, type=<ChatType.PRIVATE>, username='blah'), date=datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 13, 9, 4, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), delete_chat_photo=False, edit_date=datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 13, 9, 4, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), from_user=User(first_name='blah', id=blah, is_bot=True, username='blah'), group_chat_created=False, message_id=0000, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=((InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Quality profile: 1', text='Quality: Any'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Quality profile: 2', text='Quality: SD'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Quality profile: 3', text='Quality: HD-720p'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Quality profile: 4', text='Quality: HD-1080p'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Quality profile: 5', text='Quality: Ultra-HD'),), (InlineKeyboardButton(callback_data='Quality profile: 6', text='Quality: HD - 720p/1080p'),))), supergroup_chat_created=False, text='Please select a quality profile for the movie or series')
2024-03-13 09:04:20,228 - addarr - DEBUG - Tags [] have been selected.
2024-03-13 09:04:26,839 - addarr - DEBUG - Removing choice, title, position, paths, and output from context.user_data...
Waterboy1602 commented 6 months ago

I can't really see any error happening at the Addarr side when adding a series to Sonarr. Maybe take a look in the event logs of Sonarr and see if something is happening there?

s0041464 commented 6 months ago

From sonarr

2024-03-13 20:55:47.7|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed: 
 -- Id: 'Id' must be equal to '0'.
2024-03-13 20:55:48.1|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed: 
 -- LanguageProfileId: Language profile does not exist
Waterboy1602 commented 6 months ago

So there's the problem. You've added a LanguageProfileId to your Addarr config.yml that doesn't exist. Make sure the name of the LanguageProfile that you use, exists on Sonarr.

s0041464 commented 6 months ago

I am pretty much using the default config.yml I had two profiles English and Korean I removed the Korean one. I appreciate your help and don't want to waste more of your time. Here's my config JIC

# Sonarr Configuration
    port : 8989 # Default is 8989
    path: / # Default is / . If set, it must start and finish with / . Eg: /sonarr/
    ssl: false # Default false
    apikey: key
  search: true # Start search after adding series
  seasonFolder: true
  languageProfile: English
  excludedRootFolders: # If set must not have a trailing slash Eg: /mnt/Media
    - # First excluded folder, add others with a "-" on a new line (same indentation)
  narrowRootFolderNames: true # If true, only the last folder name will be shown instead of full path
  defaultTags: # If set must be existing tags
    - telegram
  addRequesterIdTag: true # Add telegram user id as tag on series
  adminRestrictions: false
s0041464 commented 6 months ago

I managed to get rid of the first Id error by commenting the addRequesterIdTag Still persisting with the language. I can't delete the profile and start again as I'd to remove all the movies using the profile. Oh well, happy to close this one out

Waterboy1602 commented 6 months ago

If you're using V4 of Sonarr languageProfiles don't exist anymore. I'm also pretty sure that removing the profile, doesn't delete all the serieus. I suggest changing your config.yml to this:

# Sonarr Configuration
    port : 8989 # Default is 8989
    path: / # Default is / . If set, it must start and finish with / . Eg: /sonarr/
    ssl: false # Default false
    apikey: key
  search: true # Start search after adding series
  seasonFolder: true
  excludedRootFolders: # If set must not have a trailing slash Eg: /mnt/Media
    - # First excluded folder, add others with a "-" on a new line (same indentation)
  narrowRootFolderNames: true # If true, only the last folder name will be shown instead of full path
  defaultTags: # If set must be existing tags
    - telegram
  addRequesterIdTag: false# Add telegram user id as tag on series
  adminRestrictions: false
s0041464 commented 6 months ago

Thank you @Waterboy1602 Turns out I was v3 so I've updated and removed the languageProfile as suggested and I'm back! Thanks for your help Closing as pebkac