Waterdish / Shipwright-Android

Ship of Harkinian Android Port
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Controller Config cutoff #21

Closed skilarmbabcock closed 3 months ago

skilarmbabcock commented 5 months ago

There was a similar issue opened up but that was do to screen size. There is an issue even on larger screens where the controller input is just cut off which prevents being able to map all controls. This is especially difficult once you enter settings like Right stick camera and you have to map it. I was lucky that I could map mine but there is more inputs beyond that like the C buttons Screenshot_20231109-224241

duranphysics commented 4 months ago

Same issue.

PHIN1222 commented 4 months ago

I ran into the same issue but you can arrow over with the dpad (when mapped) and input a key randomly which should scroll it across to let you then correctly map the remaining c buttons etc.

duranphysics commented 4 months ago

I couldn't do it that way, but found out you can rescale the SoH GUI, and that allowed me to see all the options!

Waterdish commented 3 months ago

You can now also scroll horizontally in that window. No resizing necessary.