Waterdish / Shipwright-Android

Ship of Harkinian Android Port
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Dual Joycon Support? (Left and Right) #27

Open PHIN1222 opened 4 months ago

PHIN1222 commented 4 months ago

Hi there loving the work so far its been working great on my end so thanks for the efforts!

On Android I was hoping to use my switch joy con set with a 3D printed mount I have but at present the port will only let me choose one of the joy cons for use in the gamepad settings (in this case it only ever shows joy con right and never the left). That appears to work fine and let me map the buttons as normal.

I know other applications let you map buttons to more than one joy con controller and both are connected in bluetooth and working at OS level. I tested them in dolphin on android to confirm if it was the device but that let me map to both without issue.

Is this something thats possible in the future?

Waterdish commented 4 months ago

It's probably possible, but I don't have any joycons to test with. I'll still try to take a look at this when the controller code revamp gets merged to the main SOH repo.