Waterdish / Shipwright-Android

Ship of Harkinian Android Port
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8BitDo N64 Controller - I can't set the Z Button in my controller #5

Open Alecfut07 opened 6 months ago

Alecfut07 commented 6 months ago

I tried to setup my N64 Controller with the Android port, so I configured every button but there is one button and it was the Z Button. So I downloaded an app to test the controller on my Android and every button works fine (including the Z Button), and I can play with that controller on my PC with no problems.

Also, I tried this crazy thing to configure my controller on the PC version, grab the json file with the controller configuration, and put it on my Android device. I don't know if it is my controller that is the problem or if it is a bug.

Waterdish commented 6 months ago

To clarify, did it work after you transferred the json from your pc?

Alecfut07 commented 6 months ago

Transferring the json file into my Android didn't work at all.

Waterdish commented 6 months ago

Ok. It's probably an issue with the app, not your controller. Unfortunately I don't have that controller so it would be near impossible to track down the issue on my end. Sorry about that. In the next update I'll try updating the controller database file to see if that helps.